Advocacy Strategy

The Board is committed to advocating in a consistent, focused way that aligns with the strategic priorities and influences issues important to the region and the people who live here.

Where the CRD does not have a direct service mandate, the Board can advocate on behalf of the CRD. This may include advocating for infrastructure as well as regulatory, legislative, financial and operational support from federal and provincial government partners. 

Regional Priorities

The CRD Board Priorities set the direction for the 2023-2026 term and represent the risks, opportunities and problems that need to be solved through collaboration for the benefit of the region. Each of these priorities has actions the CRD can advance directly as part of its mandate as well as areas that require action from other governments and partners to fully pursue opportunities and address challenges. 

  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Climate Action & Environment
  • First Nations
  • Governance

Advocacy efforts include Board resolutions and statements, face to face meetings, presentations, partnerships and correspondence. For a summary of activity and progress to date, please read:

Correspondence Archive

2024 Correspondence


Trip Reduction Program

Amendment of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act

Intersection Safety Camera and Speed Programs


Inclusion of Alternative Forms of Housing within the BC Building Code

Drake Road Housing Project

Climate Action & Environment

Long-Term Biosolids Management Plan

Regional Boat Workshop


Local Government Act Legislative Reform Initiative

Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications (CREST)

Emergency and Disaster Management Act

GVHA Shore Power Project

Electoral Areas

Salt Spring Island

    Southern Gulf Islands

    Other Topics

    Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program Fund

    Pacheedaht Addition to Reserve Support Letter

    BC Arts Council Regional Areas Policy

    Mobile Youth Services Team

    Letters of Congratulations

    2023 Correspondence


    Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment

    Island Rail Corridor


    Affordable Housing

    Housing Needs in Electoral Areas

    Secondary Suit Incentive Program

    Climate Action & Environment

    Marine Invasive Species List

    Short-Term Management of CRD Biosolids


    Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications (CREST)

    Increased high-speed broadband connectivity for the Jordan River and Shirley communities

    Recapitalization of the Island Coastal Economic Trust

    Speculation & Vacancy Tax – SSI Electoral Area

    Electoral Areas

    Salt Spring Island

    Southern Gulf Islands

    Other Topics

    Mobile Youth Services Team

    Letters of Congratulations

    2020 Correspondence

    Community Wellbeing - Transportation & Housing

    Increased Transit Funding

    Speed Enforcement on the Malahat

      Climate Action & Environmental Stewardship

      Parkland Acquisition

      Solid Waste

          Advocacy, Governance & Accountability

          Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)

          Home Owner Grant Program in Electoral Areas

          Electoral Areas Rural Status

            Other Topics

            Letters of Congratulations to Locally Elected Members of Parliament

            South Island Prosperity Partnership

            Community Works Funds

            Transportation Plan for SGI

            Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Resolution

            Telus Resolution

            Elk/Beaver Lake

            Canada Goose Management Strategy

            2019 Correspondence

            Community Wellbeing - Transportation & Housing

            Housing First

            Property Transfer Tax

            UBCM Housing Needs Report Program Grant

            South Island Transportation Strategy

            Protection of Sooke Hills Wilderness Park

            Protection of Greater Victoria Water Supply Area

            Climate Action & Environmental Stewardship

            Climate Emergency

            Climate Action Leadership

            First Nations Reconciliation

            Advocacy, Governance & Accountability

            Electoral Areas Rural Status

            Salt Spring Island Water Optimization Study

            Other Topics

            Waterways and Beaches

            Abandoned Boats Program

            Canada Goose Management Strategy

            Victoria Sexual Assault Centre Funding

            Deer Management

            Elk & Beaver Lake Remediation

            Weed Control Regulation (Invasive Species)

            Ocean Legacy Foundation Report

            Plastics Action Plan

            Letters of Congratulations to Locally Elected Members of Parliament