The Route
Salt Spring Island Transit has six routes running daily with extended hours during the summer months. Three routes connect the island's three ferry terminals at Fulford, Long Harbour and Vesuvius with downtown Ganges. The fourth route is within Ganges, the fifth route runs between the Fernwood neighbourhood and Ganges, and the sixth route is the Salt Spring Connector. The service utilizes lift-equipped minibuses that can accommodate passengers using mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters.
Some areas on Salt Spring do not have physical bus stops. In these areas, customers wave a bus down on designated roads, at a safe location, where visibility is good and where the bus can easily pull off the road, such as a driveway. The driver may not be able to safely stop for you if the posted speed limit exceeds 60km/hr. The same guidelines apply to getting off the bus. Ask the driver to find a safe place to stop, close to where you want to get off.
Service Details
Established under Bylaw No. 3438, the Salt Spring Island Transit and Transportation Service provides a public transit and transportation system on Salt Spring Island.
The Salt Spring Island Local Community Commission (LCC) oversees and advises on transportation projects and needs and serves as an advisor to BC Transit on matters related to the transit service.
The transportation service is funded by annual tax requisition, as well as by transit fare revenues.
Transit History
Bus service was established on Salt Spring Island in January 2008. In the first year of service ridership was more than double what was expected with a maximum of 1,508 rides a week. Along with creation of the service, the Salt Spring Island Transportation Commission (SSITC) was established to serve in an advisory role to the CRD and to BC Transit on matters related to the transit service and transportation needs.
In 2023, a new Local Community Commission (LCC) was established following a referendum and the SSITC was dissolved. The LCC oversees and advises on a range of services on an ongoing basis, including transportation and transit.