Juan de Fuca Community Planning

The Juan de Fuca Community Planning office helps manage land use planning in the Juan de Fuca (JdF) Electoral Area.

What We Do:

  • Official Community Plans: Staff use these plans to provide guidance on future development.
  • Land Use and Zoning Bylaws: Staff review these bylaws to provide guidance on how land can be used.
  • Development Applications: Staff review various types of applications and provide recommendations for land development approval.

Staff support the local Advisory Planning Commissions, Boards of Variance, the Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee and the Electoral Area Director.

Hot Topics

Port Renfrew Community Plan Update

A Citizen's Committee meeting is scheduled:

Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Place: Port Renfrew Community Centre

6638 Deering Road, Port Renfrew, BC

Appointed by Al Wickheim, Director of the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area, the Citizens’ Committee was formed to hear from the Port Renfrew community and provide input on the update to the Port Renfrew Official Community Plan.

Citizens’ Committee Members: 

Subscribe to add your email to our contact list.  We will send reminder notices of upcoming Citizens’ Committee meetings and events.

Temporary Use Permit Application TP000013 - Lot A, Sect. 74, Renfrew Dist. , Plan VIP71883 (11237 West Coast Road) and That Part of Sect. 74, Renfrew Dist.

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request for a temporary use permit to authorize gathering space as a permitted use on land that is proposed to be zoned for a commercial campground use (CRD File RZ000280/Bylaw No. 4518) at its meeting of August 20, 2024

At that meeting, the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley-Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission.

The Shirley-Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission considered the proposal at its meeting of October 22, 2024

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100.

Non-Adhering Residential Use within the Agricultural Land Reserve Application for Parcel A (DD 80053I) of Section 86, Sooke District – 315 Becher Bay Road

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered an application for a non-adhering residential use for the purpose of constructing a detached secondary suite (carriage house) and an accessory building (garage) on land in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) at its meeting of  June 18, 2024.

At that meeting, the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Agricultural Advisory Planning Commission (AAPC).

The AAPC considered the application at its meeting of July 23, 2024

The application with comments from the AAPC were considered by the LUC at its meeting of August 20, 2024.  

At that meeting, the LUC recommended that the CRD Board forward comments from the AAPC and the LUC to the Agricultural Land Commission for the Land Commission’s consideration of the non-adhering residential use application. 

The CRD Board resolved to forward comments from the AAPC and the LUC to the Agricultural Land Commission at its meeting of September 11, 2024

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100. 


Zoning Amendment Application RZ000286 - That Part of Section 90, Renfrew District - 9285 Invermuir Road

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend Bylaw No. 2040 (Amendment Bylaw No. 4616) to rezone the subject property from Rural A to Rural Residential 6A (RR-6A) to facilitate subdivision at its meeting of June 18, 2024

At that meeting the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission. 

The Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission considered the application at its meeting of July 9, 2024

The LUC recommended that Bylaw No. 4616 be given first, second and third readings at its meeting of September 24, 2024.  

The CRD Board Bylaw No. 4616 gave first, second and third readings at its meeting of October 9, 2024

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100. 

Zoning Amendment Application RZ000285 - That Part of Lot 2, Section 60, Renfrew District, Plan 6764 Lying to the South of the 66 Foot Road Dedicated by Said Plan – 9333 Invermuir Road

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend Bylaw No. 2040 (Amendment Bylaw No. 4615) to rezone the subject property from Rural A to Rural Residential 3 (RR-3) to facilitate subdivision at its meeting of June 18, 2024

At that meeting the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission. 

The Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission considered the application at its meeting of July 9, 2024

The LUC recommended that Bylaw No. 4615 be given first, second and third readings at its meeting of September 24, 2024.  

The CRD Board gave Bylaw No. 4615 first, second and third readings at its meeting of October 9, 2024

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100. 

Proposed Bylaw No. 4606 - Subdivision Servicing Requirements – Potable Water

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a proposed amendment to the subdivision servicing requirements specified by the Juan de Fuca Land Use Bylaw, 1992, Bylaw No. 2040, in relation to the provision of potable water (Amendment Bylaw No. 4606) at its meeting of April 16, 2024

At that meeting the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to a public information meeting.

A public information meeting was held June 5, 2024. 

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100. 

Zoning and Official Community Plan Amendment Application RZ000284 - Section 4, Renfrew District, Except Those Parts in Plans 427R, 23879, VIP68644, VIP79213, VIP80549, VIP82411, EPP69011 and EPP117093 (12036 West Coast Road)

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend the Shirley-Jordan River Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 4001, by redesignating a 3.3 ha portion of the subject property from Pacific Acreage (PA) to Commercial (CO) with amendments (Bylaw No. 4598) and to amend Bylaw No. 2040 to amend the Wildwood Terrace Neighbourhood Commercial (C-1A) zone to permit additional commercial uses and a smaller average and minimum parcel size to facilitate subdivision (Bylaw No. 4599) at its meeting of March 19, 2024.

At that meeting the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission.

The Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission considered the proposal at its meeting of April 23, 2024

The LUC recommended that Bylaw No. 4598 and Bylaw No. 4599 be given first and second readings and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of October 15, 2024

The CRD Board gave Bylaw No. 4598 and Bylaw No. 4599 first and second readings and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of November 13, 2024

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100.

Zoning Amendment Application RZ000282 - PID: 009-594-159, PID: 009-594-183, PID: 023-414-308 and PID: 024-486-914 (10700 Block of West Coast Road)

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend Bylaw No. 2040 to rezone the subject properties from the Forestry (AF) and Resource Land (RL) zones to a new Wilderness Campground (WC) zone to permit a commercial wilderness campground with a total of 20 campsites over four parcels with a total area of 170.8 ha (1 campsite per 8.5 ha) with a 20 m separation distance between each site, as well as continued silviculture, residential, and home-based business uses (Bylaw No. 4550) at its meeting of March 19, 2024.

At that meeting the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission.

The Shirley - Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission considered the proposal at its meeting of April 30, 2024

The LUC gave proposed Bylaw No. 4550, as amended, first and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of December 10, 2024

The CRD Board gave proposed Bylaw No. 4550, as amended, first and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of December 11, 2024.

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100.

Zoning Amendment Application RZ000280 - Lot A, Sect. 74, Renfrew Dist. , Plan VIP71883 (11237 West Coast Road) and That Part of Sect. 74, Renfrew Dist.

The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend Bylaw No. 2040 to rezone the subject properties from the Forestry (AF) zone to the Rural Commercial Recreation (Campground) (CR-2) zone with amendments for the purpose of permitting cabins; campsites; staff accommodation; office and reception space combined with a convenience store and a caretaker dwelling unit; assembly uses; and accessory and utility buildings (Bylaw No. 4518) at its meeting of January 17, 2023.

At that meeting, the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley-Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission (APC).

The Shirley-Jordan River APC considered the proposal at its meeting of February 7, 2023.

The LUC considered the application, as amended by the applicant to reduce overall tourist accommodation, remove assembly uses, and offer a public trail amenity, at its meeting of August 20, 2024

At that meeting, the LUC recommended that proposed Bylaw No. 4518 be amended to specify a 50 m vegetated buffer along the western property line of the subject property, adjacent to Jordan River Regional Park. The LUC recommended that proposed Bylaw No. 4518, as amended, be given first reading and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing. 

The CRD Board gave amended Bylaw No. 4518 first reading and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of September 11, 2024

A public hearing was held November 12, 2024. 

Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100.


Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Juan de Fuca Community Planning
#3 - 7450 Butler Road
Sooke, BC V9Z 1N1

Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday (closed on statutory holidays)

Tel: 250.642.8100
Fax: 250.642.5274

Useful Links:

These agencies may also need to be contacted to help you with land use planning.