The Parks, Recreation & Environmental Services department is responsible for the planning, policy and delivery functions for services that enhance the region’s sustainability and residents’ quality of life. This includes services related to climate action, environmental protection, solid waste management, recreation and regional parks.
Climate Action Program
The Climate Action service acts as a resource and facilitator on energy and climate issues. The service directly supports local governments in collaborative policy and planning efforts; provides scientific information, data and indicators related to regional greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts; catalyzes partnerships to implement regional programs and increase awareness; liaises with senior levels of government to inform programs and policies; and supports the organization in developing, monitoring and executing climate action plans and projects.
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection provides environmental oversight and scientific, technical, and regulatory support to the organization and local governments with a key focus on sanitary waste, solid waste and drinking water services. The Division also coordinates regional and sub-regional initiatives related to environmental stewardship, including invasive species management and harbours stewardship.
Regional Parks
Regional Parks protects and manages more than 13,300 hectares of spectacular and easily accessible natural areas, consisting of 33 regional parks and reserves and 4 regional trails. The Regional Parks division plans and manages natural and cultural resources and infrastructure; collaborates and consults with various partners to implement strategic priorities, management plans, and service plans; oversees land acquisitions; undertakes scientific and technical work related to environmental management, recreation, conservation, and restoration; provides volunteer opportunities and delivers free and low-cost educational opportunities in the community.
SEAPARC provides recreational programming and maintains recreational facilities serving citizens of the District of Sooke, the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area and T’Souke Nation. The commission's main facility is the SEAPARC leisure complex. Facilities include a three pool aquatic centre, ice rink, weight room, fitness studio, multi-purpose room, boardroom, sports field, bike park, skate park, outdoor sport box and golf course.
Panorama Recreation
Panorama Recreation provides recreational programming and maintains recreational facilities that serve the Saanich Peninsula, including the communities of North Saanich, Central Saanich, Sidney, Pauquachin, Tsawout, Tseycum and Tsartlip First Nations. Panorama Recreation operates two facilities, the Panorama Recreation Centre, which includes the outdoor accessible multi-sport court, and the Greenglade Community Centre. In addition to those facilities, Panorama Recreation also provides programming at the Central Saanich Cultural Centre and North Saanich Neighbourhood of Learning.
Facilities Management & Engineering Services
The Facilities Management & Engineering Services Division provides building management services and professional engineering and construction management services to CRD divisions and departments. This division is also responsible for ensuring CRD engineering and project stewardship standards are maintained throughout the organization by providing leadership, engineering, and construction management support for corporate projects.
Environmental Resource Management
Environmental Resource Management aims to manage the region’s solid waste resources efficiently and effectively in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible manner. This division’s responsibilities include the solid waste management plan, facility licensing, recycling and household hazardous waste collection programs, regional kitchen scraps strategy, community education and support programs, landfill bans, as well as leachate and landfill gas management. Services range from planning and policy development, bylaw, and contract administration to landfill operations.