January 8, 2014 – CALWMC recommends to the CRD Board regarding the Town of Esquimalt rezoning bylaw for McLoughlin Point:
- Receive the Backgrounder for information;
- Support the new Bylaw 2805;
- Approve the Community Impact and Operating Agreement; and
- Approve the Host Community Impact 5-Year Agreement.
The CALWMC did not support requesting assistance from the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for arbitration to resolve the impasse between the CRD and the Township of Esquimalt in the event that an agreement is not concluded with Esquimalt.
January 2014 – Drafting of LWMP Amendment No.9
February 18/19, 2014 – Township of Esquimalt Public Hearing on the rezoning of McLoughlin Point. Speakers from across the CRD are invited to speak. (Esquimalt Notice of Meeting and Materials)
March 2014 – Ongoing discussion between CRD and Township of Esquimalt regarding rezoning bylaws for McLoughlin Point and community amenities. (Letters/Reports on Rezoning)
March 11, 2014 – Residual solids pipeline from McLoughlin Point to Hartland landfill route map released and community open houses held in spring 2014 (News Release)
March 12, 2014 – Colwood proposes to leave the Seaterra Program (March Presentation) and that the required amendments and legislative changes be supported, in principle, to enable a separate wastewater treatment system to serve the City of Colwood, subject to:
a) Colwood obtaining approval by December 2014 from the Provincial Government to proceed in the proposed direction without compromising existing funding agreements, b) by December 2015, Colwood having acceptable solutions to the inter-municipal issues that arise from this proposal, such that the cost of the capacity required to be maintained on behalf of Colwood, as is necessary during the approval process, and in the event that the Province requires the CRD to maintain redundant capacity in the event of regulatory non-compliance, is fairly compensated, and
c) Colwood having completed all necessary plans and approvals to enable move forward with planning
March 20, 2014 – Additional Township of Esquimalt Public Hearing on the rezoning of McLoughlin Point.
April 7, 2014 – Township of Esquimalt rejects the proposed rezoning bylaw to allow for the proposed WWTP at McLoughlin Point.
April 9, 2014 – CALWMC considers Esquimalt rezoning options (April 2014)
That an application be made to the Provincial Cabinet under section 37(6) of the Environmental Management Act to declare inoperative those provisions of the Esquimalt Zoning Bylaw and request direction from the province on how to move forward with the project. (News Release) (April 11, 2014 letter to Minister of Environment)
April 16, 2014 – Land transfer at Hartland landfill to support development of the Resource Recovery Centre. (News Release)
May 2, 2014 – Harbour Resource Partners selected as preferred proponent for development of WWTP at McLoughlin Point. (News Release)
May 6, 2014 – Shortlist of proponents announced for development of Resource Recovery Centre at Hartland landfill. (News Release)
May 14, 2014 - That implementation of advanced oxidation (ozonation, hydrogen peroxide) be included in the Seaterra Program, which increases the Seaterra Program budget to $787.9 million. (Letter to Minister of Environment)
May 27, 2014 – CRD receives letter from Minister of Environment concerning McLoughlin Point rezoning and its decision for the Province not to override the decision of Esquimalt Council to not rezone the site. (May 27, 2014) CRD announces that it will not proceed with McLoughlin Point following Minister’s letter (News Release)
May 27, 2014 – Seaterra Program releases fly-thru video, photo renderings and details of the preferred proponent’s final design to media.
June 18, 2014 – CALWMC directs staff to complete the request for a transitional authorization, prior to June 30, 2014, based on the existing approved Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan and indicate in the application that an amendment may be submitted if a revised Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan is approved. This is a key step in the federal funding agreement.
CALWMC takes the following steps:
1) That a letter be written to the Township of Esquimalt Council requesting that they initiate a development approval process to accommodate the McLoughlin Point WWTP
2) That the Capital Regional District recommence a siting process for a centralized wastewater treatment plant site through a municipal/First Nations competition;
3) That the Capital Regional District conduct a new pricing exercise for a decentralized system;
4) That the Board Chair request that the Province make the Seaterra Program a Provincial project. (June 2014)
CRD Chair Bryson proposes an offer to Esquimalt to consider amending the cost sharing to offset the entire capital cost of Esquimalt's 6.7% share, in substitution for the amenities previously proposed outside the current bid proposal, by amending the cost sharing to allow for a payment to Esquimalt in the amount equal to Esquimalt's share ($18.9M) or by removing Esquimalt from the Seaterra capital program cost levy (June 2014 proposal)
July 3, 2014 – Ministry of Environment approves LWMP Amendment No.9 (July 3, 2014). Province provide initial guidance on the regulatory steps necessary should the Capital Regional District (CRD) or its member municipalities pursue a treatment option(s) other than those reflected in the current Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan (CALWMP). (July 3, 2014 – Guidance)
July 15, 2014 - Core Area Wastewater Treatment Facility Site Competition letter distributed to local Mayors and First Nations. (July 15, 2014). CRD requests Province to take over the Seaterra Program. (July 15, 2014 – Request)
July 17, 2014 – Response from Esquimalt rejecting request from the CRD to reconsider its decision on rezoning McLoughlin Point (July 17, 2014)
August 13, 2014 – Communications regarding offer to Esquimalt residents for reduced cost wastewater treatment are held back, following correspondence from Langford and Esquimalt. (August 2014)
Planning process for new wastewater treatment options begins
September 10, 2014 – CALWMC considers terms of reference for an Options Study for sewage treatment for the core area. (September 2014)
October 8, 2014 – CALWMC approves the establishment of a new framework to allow municipalities and First Nations that are participating in the CALWMP to take a leading role in their communities to identify local opportunities for sewage treatment. (October 2014)
October 23, 2014 – Westside Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Select Committee, with members from Colwood, Esquimalt, Langford, View Royal and Songhees Nation, holds first meeting. (October 2014 – Westside Select Committee Staff Report)
November 15, 2014 – Municipal Election
December 12, 2014 – Westside Select Committee brands itself as Westside Solutions and launches www.westsidesolutions.ca website. This also marks the beginning of the engagement process with the launch of an online survey.
December 16, 2014 – Westside Select Committee hosts first open house at the Songhees Nation Wellness Centre – five more open houses were held in the upcoming weeks including: January 14 (Colwood City hall), January 20 (Langford City Hall), January 21 (Esquimalt Municipal Hall) January 22 (Songhees Nation Wellness Centre) and January 29, 2015 (View Royal City Hall).