The following recorded powered-by Pecha Kucha presentations took place at the 2018 Arts Champions Summit. Speakers shared stories of arts champions in the capital region on the topic of collaboration.

integratePractice Makes Practice: How Emerging Artists Change Communities

The Integrate Arts Festival connects the public to local art spaces and artists, with a focus on showcasing emerging practices. In this talk Festival Director and architect, Rance Mok, shares insights about art in public spaces and its possibilities for community-building.
“Artists can change landscapes and the culture of the city we live in.”
Watch the video.

skamThe Evolution of Collaboration in One Local Theatre Company

Theatre SKAM has grown from an ad-hoc collective to a professional theatre company. Artistic Producer, Matthew Payne, discusses their collaborative work with artists and community groups in their productions, the SKAM-pede festival, SKAM pop-up venue and theatre school.
“Take the leap of faith. Hire local professionals…strengthen the local ecology.”
Watch the video.

missingTransformation through Collaboration

Pacific Opera co-produced and developed the opera ‘MISSING’ by Marie Clement about missing and murdered aboriginal woman. Director of Community Engagement, Rebecca Hass, describes how the production transformed their artistic practice and how they worked in community.
“We are transforming and decolonizing our community practice with vision.”
Watch the video.

primary-coloursPrimary Colours / Couleurs primaires: A Three-year National Bilingual Initiative

Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires seeks to place Indigenous art practices at the centre of the Canadian art system. Directors, France Trépanier & Chris Creighton-Kelly, assert that art practices by people of colour play a critical role in any discussion that imagines the future(s) of Canada.
“There are no experts because everyone is an expert.”
Watch the video.

onewaveOne Wave: Connecting and Engaging Community within an Arts & Cultural Movement

One Wave Festival is a volunteer driven gathering about building community. Executive Director, April Ingham, describes how it’s inspired over 10,000 people in collaboration with 200 partners.
“Every one of the spaces was programmed by the community in an act of friendship.”
Watch the video.

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Jen Nichols
Community Outreach Coordinator
Tel: 250.360.3007

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