Wastewater Planning Update:
The Core Area wastewater project has completed the Options Development Phase by submitting an amendment to the Liquid Waste Management Plan. The Project has now moved into the Planning Phase. The remainder of the planning work and community engagement on the Eastside will be directed through the Core Area Liquid Waste Management Committee.
This site is no longer being updated, but its contents will remain throughout the site as a visible record of the work of the Eastside Select Committee and the siting and option set consultation with Eastside Communities.
Eastside Option Set Consultation
Thank you for your feedback! The formal comment period is now closed for input. Feedback from the Eastside Community Dialogues consultation has been consolidated as part of a report for the CALWMC.
The CRD is always interested in your feedback on the Core Area Wastewater Treatment Planning. Please share your comments with us via email and check back regularly for updates.
Option Set Consultation Documents
Learn about the option sets:
Option Set Consultation Activities
Workshop and Open House Events
As part of the second phase of consultation (January 13 - February 20), Eastside Community Dialogues hosted a number of open houses and workshops in Eastside communities. Eastside Community Dialogues also hosted a breakfast for local businesses to discuss project related concerns and opportunities from a business perspective.
Architecture and Urban Design Event - January 8
As a way to kick-off the consultation and show what opportunities exist with large infrastructure events, Eastside held an event about architecture and urban design possibilities.
An Opportunity to Learn
We want to ensure you have an opportunity to learn about the emerging concepts from the Eastside technical review, in a way you can understand without having a technical background.
Aboriginal Engagement and Consultation
We will ensure members of Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations are informed, consulted and involved in planning and possible rezoning processes.
Clear Channels for Input
We want to ensure you have the opportunity to share your perspectives and weigh trade-offs in a way that works for you. We will offer opportunities through an online survey, face-to-face workshops and we'll set up tables in public spaces at times that are convenient for you.
Rigorous and Well-supported Analysis of Public Input for Decision Makers
We will provide a clear and defensible set of recommendations that provides thorough analysis of all public input.
Local Involvement in Site Planning/ Ongoing Engagement
We want to ensure that citizens in neighbourhoods or areas that could potentially host wastewater treatment facilities are informed, consulted and involved in planning and possible rezoning processes by running local workshops to share project information with neighbourhoods, to discuss public benefits, concerns and to use design and planning as a tool for drawing on the diverse energies and skills of residents.
What's next?
The Core Area wastewater project has completed the Options Development Phase by submitting an amendment to the Liquid Waste Management Plan. The Project has now moved into the Planning Phase. The remainder of the planning work and community engagement on the Eastside will be directed through the Core Area Liquid Waste Management Committee.