Origin Destination Household Travel Survey
Updated every five years, the Origin Destination Household Travel Survey data creates a comprehensive profile of travel patterns in the region on an average fall day, including where residents travel, the purpose of trips, and the modes of transportation used.
The areas surveyed are the Regional Planning Area (RPA) of the CRD's 13 municipalities and Juan de Fuca, along with Salt Spring Island (SSI), which has been included in the survey both in 2017 and 2022.
View the full report: CRD 2022 Origin Destination Household Travel Survey Report (PDF)
Key findings include:
- A 10% decrease in total personal trips, even amidst a 9% growth in population. This decline sees a shift from 1,104,300 trips in 2017 to 995,900 trips in 2022. The reduction in trips can be attributed to changing behaviours within the densely populated core, with distinct patterns emerging in the surrounding regions.
- A rise in active transportation, with 29% of trips made by walking, cycling and transit use, up from the 2017 mode share of 26.6%. The regional target is 45% by 2038.
- Increase in the number of electric vehicles from 1,900 vehicles in 2017 to 11,900 vehicles in 2022.
- Bike trips taken by e-bikes rising to 11% of all adult bikes, but accounting for 30% of all bike trips.
One of the notable aspects of the 2022 survey results is its unique context. Conducted after the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in 2020, which caused dramatic impacts on travel, this survey captures shifts in travel behaviour that are distinct from previous editions.
The pandemic brought changes to resident behaviour, including increased remote and flexible work and more delivery services. These variations in travel behaviour offer valuable insights into the potential influence of factors like the pandemic, and show opportunities for more walking and biking in the future.
Response rates
Over the duration of the survey, 62,500 households were contacted, and 8,581 valid surveys were completed. This exceeded the target of 7,650 completed surveys by 11%.
This completion rate represents 4.6% of all households in the Regional Planning Area and Salt Spring Island combined, with most of the trips reported in the RPA, including trips by Salt Spring Island residents travelling in our 13 municipalities and Juan de Fuca.
The 2022 Origin Destination Household Travel Survey gathered new data about e-bikes, e-micromobility, and availability of EV charging. Additional questions were asked about work location patterns, with the findings revealing significant changes in commuting and work-from-home behaviour.
Also, questions asked on dwelling tenure and income may facilitate future equity analysis. This new information will support additional research, including potential climate action and affordability analysis.
R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd., a Victoria based research firm, conducted the survey on behalf of the CRD.