The Gardom Pond Dam Decommissioning project is now complete. The dam is now considered to be decommissioned, therefore under the Water Sustainability Act - Dam Safety Regulation this structure is no longer regulated and carries no failure consequence rating, no failure probability rating and is considered to have no risk to the public, environment, land or property.


The CRD is one of six water license holders tied to lands adjacent to Gardom Pond and held as part of the Pender Island Parks and Recreation Service. Gardom Pond was classified as "high consequence" and in 2017 the water license holders agreed to decommission the pond.

In 2018, the CRD received $460,000 in federal and provincial grant funding through the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) for the decommissioning of Gardom Pond dam on Pender Island.

The dam decommissioning concept was developed over several years in consultation with numerous stakeholders. The documents below provide additional information.

Additional Information

Contact Us

Please email Joshua Frederick, Senior Project Engineer, for more information.