Clean Smart

  • Brush or broom – Clean sidewalks and driveways with a brush or broom. If it is necessary to use a hose, make sure it is equipped with an automatic shut-off device.
  • Vehicle cleaning – Wash your car or boat with a bucket of water and soap and then rinse it using a hose with a shut off device. Do not leave a hose running or left unattended. If possible, wash your vehicle on the lawn, with chemical-free soap, and water your lawn at the same time!
  • Window cleaning – Use a bucket and squeegee to wash windows.
  • Use nonporous containers like glazed pots, as they are more efficient at retaining water. Also, use larger containers (pots 25cm in diameter and larger) as the larger the volume of soil will dry more slowly.

Conserve Water

  • Reduce water waste – Adjust your irrigation system and/or sprinklers so that water does not run down the driveway, sidewalks or street. Regularly check sprinkler heads to ensure they are in good working condition and pointing in the right direction.
  • Check for leaks – Recoil your hose to prevent damage. Check your hose regularly for leaks. A hose delivers 27 litres of water per minute, so a leak can lead to significant water waste.
  • Avoid slopes – Water starting at the top of a slope as water will run down the hill as it seeps into the soil. Less water is needed lower in the slope due to runoff.
  • Optimal conditions – Do not water on windy, cool, overcast or rainy days. Consider making your irrigation system more water efficient by installing a rain shut-off device that will automatically turn your system off when it is raining.

Water Saver

  • Cover your swimming pool – An uncovered swimming pool loses one inch of water per week. Also, check regularly for cracks and leaks, and backwash only when necessary.
  • Collect rainwaterRain barrels collect rainwater that can be reused. The average house roof in our region can collect 272 litres of rain (60 gallons) on each nine square metres of roof, for every 25mm of rain.