When it comes to indoor water use, 65% is in the bathroom with showers using the second-most water and the third-most energy in the house! Strive for five-minute showers - save energy and 10,000 litres of water per year!

The Sooke Lake Reservoir relies on fall and winter rains to replenish the reservoir. Though it may seem like we live on the wet coast with endless amounts of rain, the finite capacity of the reservoir must last the entire year, particularly the dry summer months when there is little to no rainfall.

By making water wise choices, we can delay costly infrastructure, make sure there is enough drinking water for the year for a growing population and healthy ecosystem, and have the flexibility to deal with the effects of climate change. 

Water Wise Bathroom Habits

Shower Smart

  • Strive for five-minute showers—save energy and water! Make a five-minute playlist to listen to while you are in the shower to help you keep track of time.
  • Skip brushing teeth and shaving in the shower. Save these for when the water is not running.
  • Miss a hair wash. Washing your hair less often is healthier for your hair and saves time!
  • Collect cool water in a bucket while waiting for hot water to flow. Reuse the water later for plants, pets or cleaning.
  • Turn off the water while lathering soap, shampoo and conditioner to save even more water.

Turn off the Tap

Turn off the tap when washing hands, brushing teeth and shaving.

Choose High-Efficiency Fixtures

Increasing the efficiency of your home will save water, energy and money. Replace outdated, inefficient water fixtures in your bathroom with a high-efficiency model. Fixtures with a WaterSense label are tested for their efficiency, which can help you narrow down your choice.

For even greater savings, you can also insulate your water pipes to reduce hot water delivery delay (and wasted water) experienced while waiting for water to run hot from the shower or faucets.

Fix Leaky Fixtures

Household leaks make up to 14% of all indoor water use. Leaky toilets, faucets and showerheads are the most common indoor culprits.

Simple and inexpensive repairs can prevent our drinking water from being wasted. Repair any leaky fixtures and check your toilet at least once a year for undetected leaks.

Be a leak detective and learn how to check for leaks in your home.

Flush with Care

  • Don’t use the toilet as a trash can. Flushing anything other than pee, poo or toilet paper is not safe for our sewer or septic systems and can cause costly blockages. Know what to flush! There are many types of unflushable waste. Never flush hair, floss, q-tips, medications, “flushable” wipes, food or feminine products down the toilet.
  • Reduce your daily flush count. "If it's yellow, let it mellow."

Want to learn more about how you can save water in other areas of your home?