Waste containing suspended solids, such as ice paint from ice and curling rinks and spent pool filter media, may cause blockages in sewer lines and contribute to abrasion of sewer and septic pumps. These solids are inert and are not treatable at sewage treatment plants or septic systems.
High residual chlorine and chloride concentrations in pool water discharges may contribute to the generation of odours in the sewer system and corrosion of sewer pipes. High chlorine concentrations may also pose a health risk to sewer workers and interfere with biological treatment processes.
Chemicals used in pools are eventually discharged to the sewer system. A major concern is the potential for spillage or overdosing of these chemicals. Some pool cleaning chemicals can cause foaming which can produce operational problems at sewage treatment plants and can also be toxic to aquatic organisms. If discharged into the stormwater system, fish kills can result.
Other chemicals can be a health hazard; they can also create hazards such as fire, explosion, air & water pollution, corrosion of pipes or damage to sewage treatment facilities or septic systems. Damaged pipes can allow rain and ground water in to sewer lines or waste to escape into the environment.