What would you like to Recycle?

Oily Absorbent/Rags

Oily Absorbent/Rags
Have you carefully collected and recycled your used motor oil, motor oil filters and plastic motor oil containers and in this process accumulated some oily rags? That used rag could end up reconstituted as a fuel briquette.

Reduce | Reuse | Recycle | Facilities

How do I go green?

Walk, cycle, or car pool to cut down on motor oil use. Choose a push mower.

Reuse that rag as often as possible prior to depositing it at a recycling facility but be sure to keep it away from any source of ignition and keep it well ventilated.

Contact facilities directly regarding restrictions and charges.


  • JOMA Environmental Ltd.

    Pick-up service available across the capital region


  • The Environmental Story

    A single drop of motor oil leached from an oily rag can contaminate a million drops of water. Save your rags and take them to a recycler to divert these potentially toxic items from our landfill and waterways.