The Greater Victoria Water Supply Area is located northwest of the City of Victoria and is comprised of 20,550 hectares of forested land in the Sooke, Goldstream, and Leech watersheds. These lands are owned by the CRD and managed by Integrated Water Services (IWS) Department.
Water for the Greater Victoria Water Supply System is currently provided from the Sooke and Goldstream watersheds.
Together these watersheds comprise 10,927 hectares including five surface reservoirs. These reservoirs collect and store runoff from precipitation via inflow streams and overland flow.
In 2007 and 2010 the CRD purchased lands in the Leech River watershed. In the future, water from the Leech River will be diverted through an existing tunnel to supplement Sooke Lake Reservoir when needed.
The ownership and management of Greater Victoria Water Supply Area catchment lands is a key component of the multiple barrier approach to the protection of water quality for the Greater Victoria Water Supply System.
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