The Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission
The commission administrates a service that provides community parks for the JDF Electoral Area, which on the western side includes East Sooke, Otter Point, Shirley and Port Renfrew, and on the eastern side includes Malahat and Willis Point. The commission is made up of volunteer members.
Commission Activities
- Acquisition and development of community parks and park properties within the JDF Electoral Area
- Development, maintenance and operation of all community parks in the Electoral Area
CRD Administrative Relationship
The commission was established in December 2004 by CRD Bylaw No. 3243. The Electoral Area Director for JDF is a member of the commission.
Minutes & Meeting Schedule
The commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 3 pm in the Juan de Fuca Local Area Services Building.
Any inquiries or correspondence for the Commissioners can be addressed to:
JDF Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
3 - 7450 Butler Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 1N1
Tel: 250.642.8103
Sooke & Electoral Area Parks & Recreation Commission (SEAPARC)
The commission administrates services that provide a pool, arena, and weight room, fitness and recreation programs, and sport facility services for the District of Sooke and the western portion of the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area. The commission oversees an administrator and staff, who are CRD employees. The Commission makes recommendations on operating policy, regulations and fees to the CRD Board, which makes them into bylaws. The SEAPARC service areas include:
- Ice and Arena Facilities
- Weight Room and Fitness Studio
- Swimming Pool
- Community Recreation
- DeMamiel Creek Golf Course
- Sooke Sport Box
- Sooke Skate Park
- Sooke Bike Park
- Stan Jones Ball Field
- SEAPARC Recreation Centre
Commission Activities
- Administrates services on a daily basis and makes recommendations on operating policy, regulations and fees to the CRD Board, which makes them into Bylaws
- Prepares an annual budget
- Oversees the Sooke & Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Leisure Complex (SEAPARC), an administration employed by the CRD
CRD Administrative Relationship
The Electoral Area Director for JDF is a member of the commission.
Minutes & Meeting Schedule
The commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the SEAPARC Boardroom.
Willis Point Fire Protection & Recreation Facilities Commission
The commission administrates two services for Willis Point in the JDF Electoral Area:
- The WPFP committee provides fire protection and emergency response
- The WPFPRF commission provides and manages a community recreational facility and programs
Fire protection is included with the community recreational service because the fire hall and recreational facility are in the same building.
Commission Activities
- Administrates the powers of the Board with respect to the equipment, maintenance and management and operation of the Willis Point Fire Hall /Community Centre.
- Establishes a scale of admission charges to events, appoints staff, determines operational rules, procedures and recreational programs and oversees the collection of revenues from, and payment of expenses of the facility.
CRD Administrative Relationship
The CRD Board appoints a committee which manages the facility portion of the service.
Minutes & Meeting Schedule