What would you like to Recycle?

UPS/SLA Batteries

uninteruptable power supply, sealed lead acid, batteries
UPS/SLA Batteries
The acronyms UPS and SLA stand for Uninterruptible Power Supply and Sealed Lead Acid.  Your computer may have a UPS battery and your car probably has an SLA battery and batteries are banned from disposal as garbage. You pay an environmental fee on items such as UPS/SLA batteries, so you can often return them to the point-of-purchase. Check with your retailer.

UPS/SLA batteries are not part of the electronics program, however Call2Recycle, the battery and cell phone recycling program will take the small sealed lead acid batteries (SSLA). For more information, see Batteries (household).

Car Batteries (large lead acid batteries) are a different program. Go to Batteries (automotive) for more details.

Reduce | Reuse | Recycle | Facilities

How do I go green?

Try to avoid dependence on batteries as they contain a number of different metals, plastic and chemicals which take a great deal of energy to manufacture and to recycle properly.

Do not attempt to reuse a battery that has reached the end of its useable life and don’t leave it exposed to the elements. It could leak and discharge harmful chemicals.

Residential quantities of all battery types are accepted at the Hartland Depot as part of the Household Hazardous Waste program.

Not all facilities listed below are part of a provincial program and may charge a fee for drop off. Contact facilities directly regarding restrictions and charges.


  • A&P Disposal & Recycling

    6220 Marilyn

  • All Battery

    112 - 2806 Jacklin Road

  • Esquimalt Return-It

    935 Ellery

  • GFL Environmental (formerly Alpine, and Terrapure Environmental)

    1045 Dunford Avenue

  • H.L. Disposal & Lawn Services Ltd.

    334 Hillside Ave

  • Hartland Depot

    1 Hartland Avenue

  • London Drugs

    3170 Tillicum Rd (Tillicum Centre) & 911 Yates St (Harris Green Village)

  • Pender Island Recycling Depot

    4400 Otter Bay Road
    Pender Island

  • Serenity on Saturna

    103 East Point Road
    Saturna Island

  • Sidney Return-It

    5-10025 Galaran Road

  • The Environmental Story

    UPS/SLA batteries are everywhere in the modern world. They provide backup power sources for everything from phone and computer networks to submarines to automobiles.