What would you like to Recycle?



Thermostats are managed through the Canada-wide Thermostat Recovery Program (TRP) product stewardship program. TRP is focused on recovering and recycling thermostats that are no longer in use, including mercury-containing, electronic and mechanical types. A full list of what is accepted and free depot locations is available on their website.

Reduce | Reuse | Recycle | Facilities

How do I go green?

It’s pretty hard to reduce the use of thermostats; however we can switch to energy efficient programmable thermostats and recycle the old ones.

Thermostats are only candidates for reuse if they are the newer energy efficient programmable ones.

Thermostats are considered hazardous waste due to the mercury content. Thermostats can be dropped off for no charge as Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the Hartland depot in small residential quantities. 

Contact other facilities listed directly regarding restrictions. 

If you have a commercial amount, please call the facility ahead of time to be sure they can accommodate you. Alternately you may contact TRP directly to receive a free shipping box for larger quantities.


  • GFL Environmental (formerly Alpine, and Terrapure Environmental)

    1045 Dunford Avenue

  • Hartland Depot

    1 Hartland Avenue

  • Pender Island Recycling Depot

    4400 Otter Bay Road
    Pender Island

  • RemoveAndReUse.Com

  • Salt Spring Island Recycling Depot

    349 Rainbow Road
    Salt Spring Island

  • Serenity on Saturna

    103 East Point Road
    Saturna Island

  • The Environmental Story

    Thermostats contain mercury. Mercury is a bio accumulative, persistent, and toxic heavy metal that threatens the health of humans and our ecosystem.
    Older mechanical thermostats can have 1 to 4 mercury switches, each containing approximately 2.5 grams of mercury. Just one gram of mercury can contaminate an eight hectare lake to the point where the fish in that lake are not edible for one full year.

    Did You Know?

    Mercury exposure can be highly toxic.