What would you like to Recycle?


pharmaceuticals, pills
Medications including prescription drugs, over-the-counter types and natural health products in oral dosage form are managed through the Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) product stewardship program. A full list of what is accepted and free depot locations is available on their website.

Reduce | Reuse | Recycle | Facilities

How do I go green?

Minimize your need for medications by staying as healthy as possible with daily exercise, a healthy diet and a good stress management plan.

Medications should not be used after they have expired or shared with anyone they were not prescribed to.

Remove or black out any personal identification from all medications to be returned. Collect all dry medications such as pills and tablets into a bag or container. Keep liquids, creams and inhalers in their original packaging.
Not all facilities listed below are part of the provincial program and may charge a fee for drop off. Contact facilities directly regarding restrictions and charges.


  • London Drugs

    3170 Tillicum Rd (Tillicum Centre) & 911 Yates St (Harris Green Village)

  • Serenity on Saturna

    103 East Point Road
    Saturna Island

  • The Environmental Story

    Medications in household garbage are not only easily accessible to children, pets and wildlife, but once they reach the landfill; they can enter the leachate collection system and eventually wind up in the marine environment.

    Medication that goes down the drain ends up in the ocean or in your septic system, where it can have a negative effect on the marine environment and groundwater.

    Go to the CRD's Medications Return Campaign for more details.