On September 10, 2014 the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board passed the motion that the introduction, first reading and second reading of Bylaw No. 3855 “Noise Suppression Bylaw (Salt Spring Island) No. 1, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2014” be rescinded.
The purpose of the proposed bylaw amendment to Bylaw No. 3384, which provides regulations and penalties to assist with the abatement and control of disturbing noise in the Salt Spring Island Electoral Area, was to:
- define allowable hours for the discharge of a firearm at a shooting range as 9 am to sunset or 7 pm whichever is earliest
- set a maximum noise level of 70 dBA for the discharge of a firearm at a shooting range.
The CRD invited public feedback on the proposed amended Bylaw during July. This feedback was collected and provided to the CRD Board for review at the September Board meeting.
All information collected was in accordance with authority of the Local Government Act and will form part of the public record which, is also subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Enquiries about the collection or use of information in this form can be directed to the Manager, Information Services: Capital Regional District 250.360.3000.