Royal Jubilee Hospital opened a new Diagnostic and Treatment Centre in 2002. Diagnostic and treatment facilities and services were significantly upgraded. However, the inpatient areas of the hospital (where patients stay overnight to recover from their illness or injury) were not upgraded at that time. These inpatient buildings, the earliest of which were built in the 1920s and 1930s, were no longer appropriate for meeting important current and future health care needs of residents.
In November 2005, VIHA identified construction of a new 500-bed Patient Care Centre at the Royal Jubilee Hospital as an urgent need and a top priority in its Five-Year Strategic Plan. The new Royal Jubilee Hospital Patient Care Centre, completed in 2010, provides inpatient services to medical/surgical patients and patients suffering with mental health and addiction issues. The facility replaced, modernized and centralized inpatient accommodation, which was dispersed across seven different buildings in the hospital. It is directly adjacent to and connects with the Diagnostic and Treatment Building to establish a core of modern facilities to support the tertiary health care needs of Vancouver Island residents.
The Capital Regional Hospital District (CRHD) contributed $107.75 million towards this $350 million project.