Over $2.6 million in arts funding awarded to local not-for-profit organizations

Oct 13, 2023

Victoria, BC– The Capital Regional District (CRD) Arts Commission has approved the distribution of $2,684,670 in funding this year to support the region’s arts sector, a record-high amount. Ninety-three local not-for-profit organizations received funding through the Arts & Culture Support Service’s five grant programs: Equity, IDEA (Innovate, Develop, Experiment, Access), Incubator, Project and Operating.

Each grant program supports a wide variety of art initiatives across the region. Equity and IDEA grants remove barriers to access for many groups, broadening the reach of the arts funding to support a greater diversity of artistic and cultural expression. Project grants support the creation and presentation of new arts activities, while Incubator grants focus on the development of emerging arts organizations. Operating grants enable long-term planning through stable funding for established arts organizations and can be used both for programming and administrative expenses.

“A well-supported arts sector is essential to community wellbeing,” says CRD Arts Commission Chair Marianne Alto. “This funding creates jobs, and activates thousands of arts events for all to enjoy. The funded organizations play a key role in amplifying the impact of arts and culture across the region, making it more fun and dynamic for everyone.”

The approved grants advance the mission of these granting programs to support, champion and develop arts and culture in the region. The CRD Arts & Culture Support Service is supported by Saanich, Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke and Southern Gulf Islands. For more information, visit www.crd.bc.ca/arts

The CRD delivers regional, sub-regional and local services to 13 municipalities and three electoral areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Governed by a 24-member Board of Directors, the CRD works collaboratively with First Nations and government partners to enable sustainable growth, foster community well-being, and develop cost-effective infrastructure while continuing to provide core services to residents throughout the region. Visit us online at www.crd.bc.ca.


For media inquiries, please contact:
Chris Gilpin, Manager
CRD Arts & Culture
Tel. 250.360.3205


2023 CRD Arts & Culture Grant Recipients

*New recipients

Equity Grants

Bayanihan Cultural & Housing Society $5,000
BC Black History Awareness Society* $8,000
Integrate Art Society | Kara Stanton $8,000
Monoceros Education Society $8,000
Open Space | Farheen Haq $5,000
Ptarmigan Arts Society | John Aitken $5,000
Victoria Dragon Boat Festival* $8,000
Victoria Native Friendship Centre $8,000
Total $55,000

IDEA Grants

Amber Academy Youth Fine Arts $3,000
Canadian International Tea Appreciation Society* $3,000
Cook St. Village Association* $3,000
Friends of Bowker Creek Society $1,000
Galiano Conservancy Association* $3,000
Harmony Project Sooke $3,000
James Bay Community School* $3,000
Jewish Community Centre of Victoria $3,000
Southern Gulf Island Community Resource Centre $3,000
Victoria Downtown Residents Association* $3,000
Wiser Developments Society* $3,000
Total $31,000

Incubator Grants

Haus of Owl* $5,000
Vancouver Island Visual Arts Society* $5,000
Total $10,000

Project Grants

Active Passive Performance $6,000
Afro Latin Cultural Exchange $8,250
Alter Arts Society $8,000
Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre $9,600
Campbell Bay Music Festival $6,000
Caravan World Rhythms $12,000
Choral Evolution Society* $3,000
Esquimalt Community Arts Hub $5,625
Fifty Fifty Arts Collective $6,375
Flamenco de la Isla Society $5,700
Garden City Electronic Music $12,000
Hapax Theatre $3,350
Impulse Theatre Society $10,000
Noble Riot Dance Theatre Society $7,500
Suddenly Dance Theatre $7,500
Three on a Tree $2,300
Victoria Festival of Authors Society $12,000
Victoria Summer Music Festival $4,150
View Royal Hispanic Film Society of Victoria $4,000
Wonderheads Theatre Society $6,650
BC Accordion & Tango $5,000
Bounce Performance Works $9,000
Broken Rhythms $5,000
Embrace Arts $9,250
Galiano Literary Festival* $8,000
India Canada Cultural Assn $8,000
Integrate Art Society $8,000
Ministry of Casual Living $12,000
Sing Your Joy $3,500
Sooke Arts Council $5,000
Sooke Community Choir $2,075
The Other Guise Theatre* $10,000
Veselka Ukrainian Dance $2,000
Victoria Choral Society $6,000
Victoria Philharmonic Choir $8,000
Victoria Poetry Project $7,500
Westshore Community Concert Band* $2,075
William Head on Stage $12,000
Xchanges $10,000
Yellowhouse Arts $10,000
Total $282,400

Operating Grants

Atomic Vaudeville $25,000
Aventa Ensemble $22,930
CineVic $23,000
Early Music Society $12,000
Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival $8,000
Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra $8,000
Kaleidoscope Theatre $56,800
MediaNet $19,000
Open Space $87,930
Ptarmigan Arts $19,400
Puente Theatre $32,800
Runnymede Enhancement Society (Deluge) $38,210
SNAFU Dance Theatre $14,500
Story Theatre $40,000
Theatre Inconnu $27,500
Theatre SKAM $40,800
Victoria Arts Council $24,000
Victoria Baroque Players $9,550
Victoria BC Ska & Reggae* $25,000
Victoria Children's Choir $13,930
Victoria On Stage $21,500
Victoria Shakespeare Society $20,000
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria $448,000
Ballet Victoria $47,700
Belfry Theatre $229,000
Dance Victoria $68,900
Intrepid Theatre $112,000
Pacific Opera Victoria $234,450
Victoria Conservatory of Music $55,000
Victoria Film Festival $47,170
Victoria Jazz Society $66,800
Victoria Symphony $407,400
Total $2,306,270