CRD Increases Staff Presence in Regional Parks

Mar 30, 2020

Victoria, BC– To support community health and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Capital Regional District (CRD) requires CRD Regional Parks visitors to adhere to the orders and recommendations by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO). CRD Regional Parks increased staff presence on the weekend for outreach and education on proper social distancing protocol. Over 500 visitors were engaged and the majority were aware of social distancing and showed appreciation for regional parks and trails remaining open.

Staff noted that the vast majority of parks visitors adhered to social distancing protocol. There were pockets of non-compliance with bylaws and some areas where social distancing wasn’t being practiced. Of particular concern is the amount of garbage that is being left in the regional parks, the irresponsible use of washroom facilities, illegal parking, and the lack of two metre distancing being practiced. Running groups and cyclists are asked to be mindful of increased pedestrian traffic.

The CRD will continue to have a more visible presence in the parks to ensure responsible parks usage. Signage has been installed in all regional parks identifying closed facilities and outlining appropriate social distancing protocol. The PHO recommendations and orders include keeping at least two metres of distance between yourself and others and not gathering in groups. While outside for fresh air and exercise, only be close to members of the same household and keep at a distance from everyone else. Responsible use of Regional Parks and Trails may allow them to remain open.

CRD Regional Parks is reminding visitors to use the parks respectfully. Pack out your garbage, reduce mess in washroom facilities and only park vehicles in designated parking lots/spots or where permitted.

Currently, the following are closed or have reduced service:

  • All CRD playgrounds
  • All CRD campgrounds
  • All water fountains
  • All picnic tables/shelters
  • All park benches
  • All bike racks
  • Fishing piers
  • Some toilets in remote/low traffic areas
  • Most toilets have been reduced to one stall

CRD Regional Parks protects and has the responsibility to manage more than 13,000 hectares of natural areas in our regional parks on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

We recognize many families and individuals rely on our regional parks, and we ask for your support while we continue to determine next steps as the situation develops.

For updated information on the CRD’s response to COVID-19, please visit


Proud to be recognized as one of BC’s Top Employers and Canada’s Greenest Employers, the CRD delivers regional, sub-regional and local services to 13 municipalities and three electoral areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Governed by a 24-member Board of Directors, the CRD works collaboratively with First Nations and all levels of government to enable sustainable growth, foster community well-being, and develop cost-effective infrastructure while continuing to provide core services to residents throughout the region. Visit us online at



For media inquiries, please contact:
Andy Orr, Senior Manager
CRD Corporate Communications
Tel: 250.360.3229
Cell: 250.216.5492