Event Information
Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park (Saanich)
Come and explore the sights, sounds and smells of spring! Join in the celebration with CRD Regional Parks naturalists for exhibits, crafts, activities – fun for the entire family! There will be guided walks at 11:15am and 1:15pm.
Meeting place: The nature centre at Beaver Beach parking lot.
Trail Description: Approximately 100m to event location from parking lot along a concrete path. Tents will be set up along the concrete path. Accessible washroom available near parking lot. One bench at event. Wheelchair accessible.
Please note: We like pets
too. However, their presence can be disruptive for some folks. If you plan to
attend one of our programs, please leave pets at home. Guide and service
animals are, of course, welcome.
BC Transit #70, #72 or #75
What you need to know