RFEOI - ERM2022-010 Processing and Utilization of Source-Separated Materials from Hartland Landfill

Dec 22, 2022, 01:03 PM
Project manager:
Liz Ferris
Contact person:
Andrea Panich
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3000
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3000
Project ID:
RFEOI - ERM2022-010 Processing and Utilization of Source-Separated Materials from Hartland Landfill
Dec 22, 2022, 01:30 PM
Jan 24, 2023, 04:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Environmental Resource Management
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Expressions of Interest

Awarded to:

Project Description:

Addendum No. 2: Q&A and Electronic Submissions

Addendum No. 1: Q&A and Enquiries Date Change


Through this Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI), the Capital Regional District (CRD) invites submissions from companies and individuals (Respondents) with the capacity and ability to reuse, recycle, repurpose, or otherwise process source-separated waste streams diverted from the Hartland Landfill (Landfill).

The CRD is seeking a variety of submissions from Respondents which may include:

  • High volume Expressions of Interest (EOI)’s focused on maximizing diversion potential (e.g., wood waste to hog fuel, or thermal processing of pre-processed construction and demolition waste);
  • Low volume EOI’s focused on innovative use of materials aligned with the waste hierarchy to reuse and recycle materials, supporting the development of a circular economy (e.g., wood waste, textiles, furniture or other products);
  • Pilot projects with set timelines and objectives that could lead to innovation in the industry;
  • On-site or off-site processing of diverted waste;
  • Other waste types not considered by the CRD; and
  • Waste processing systems that could reduce airspace consumption, such as shredding.

The CRD understands that multiple Respondents may be able to meet the CRD’s objectives, and is open to working with multiple Respondents to build a portfolio of waste diversion contracts.

This request relates solely to the reuse, recycling, repurposing or recovery of source-separated waste streams from Hartland Landfill, and participation in this RFEOI will not restrict respondents from participating in other CRD procurements.


The CRD governs 13 municipalities and three electoral areas located on the southern end of Vancouver Island. The Landfill is owned and operated by the CRD and is located approximately 14 km northwest of the City of Victoria, at 1 Hartland Ave, Victoria, BC. The Landfill is a multi-purpose facility that provides the following waste management services and function:

  • Landfill disposal of municipal solid waste for residential and commercial customers;
  • Landfill disposal of controlled waste;
  • Residential drop-off recycling depot for:
    • Household recyclable materials;
    • Extended producer responsibility materials;
    • Household hazardous waste materials;
    • Reusable goods;
    • Food waste, yard and garden material;
  • Residential and commercial food waste transfer station;
  • Leachate collection, treatment, and disposal;
  • Landfill gas collection, processing, conversion utilization and sale;
  • Administration and weigh scale facilities;
  • Learning Centre; and
  • Any other waste disposal and diversion initiatives as approved by the CRD Board.

In 2021, the Landfill accepted approximately 190,000 tonnes of solid waste for disposal, and diverted over 17,530 tonnes of materials at the Hartland Public Drop-off Depot. The CRD intends to implement new policies in June 2023 to divert up to an additional 30,000 tonnes of material annually through landfill bans which could include clean and contaminated wood, roofing shingles, textiles, carpet and backing, flooring, rigid plastics, furniture and mattresses, which accounts for approximately 35% of the current mixed waste stream.

The CRD Board supports these diversion initiatives, and expects to receive project updates in 2023. At its May 11, 2022 meeting, the Board endorsed the staff report titled Meeting the Solid Waste Management Plan Targets through Material Stream Diversion, which supports the procurement process for further material diversion.

Waste Characteristics

Wood waste, organics, paper and plastic account for over 65% of the total materials currently sent to the Landfill, and represent an immediate opportunity for diversion and recovery of both material and energy.

Additional Documents:
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