Sooke Sunriver Multi-Use Sport Box - Design-Build Services

Jun 22, 2021, 02:52 PM
Project manager:
Andy Liu, P.Eng.
Contact person:
Andy Liu, P.Eng.
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3268
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3268
Project ID:
Jun 22, 2021, 03:00 PM
Jul 7, 2022, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Sooke & EA Parks & Recreation
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Notice of Intent

Awarded to:
Bry Sand Ice Arena Ltd.

Project Description:
                          Notice of Substantial Completion - Posted June 2, 2022

Notice of Certification of Completion

NOTICE:         Re:      Sooke Sunriver Multi-Use Sport Box – Design Build Services

Take notice that on     May 13, 2022                          a Certificate of Completion, or court order to that effect, was issued with respect to a Contract between

            Capital Regional District, Victoria, British Columbia                                     
and     Bry Sand Ice Arena Ltd., Edmonton, AB                                                        

in connection with an improvement on land described as follows:

Sooke Sunriver Park, Sooke British Columbia

for the provision of:
Multi-Use Sport Box – Design Build

All persons entitled to claim a lien under the Builders' Lien Act and who performed work or supplied material in connection with or under the Contract are warned that the time to file a claim of lien may be abridged and section 20 of the Act should be consulted.       _______________________________________________________________

                                        Addendum 2 - Posted July 14, 2021

Addendum 1 - Posted June 30, 2021


                                               REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                        Sooke Sunriver Multi-Use Sport Box - Design-Build Services

                                                   RFP No. 80.20.03-05



The Capital Regional District (the "District") invites detailed Proposals from qualified Design-Build Teams (the "Proponents") in strict accordance with these Proposal documents (CRD, RFP No. 80.20.03-05).  The Proposals will be evaluated for the selection of a Design-Build Team (DBT) with the intent to enter into a contract to provide the design and construction for the Sooke Sunriver Multi-Use Sport Box project.

Closing Date for Submission of Proposals

The District will accept five (5) copies of each Proposal, in a sealed package in accordance with Clause 5.1 to be received at the following specific physical location not later than 2:00:00 p.m. local time on July 15, 2021 (the "Proposal Closing"):

Capital Regional District
625 Fisgard Street, PO Box 1000
Victoria, BC  V8W 2S6
Fax:  250.360.3270

It is the sole responsibility of the Proponent to ensure that its Proposal is received at the specific location indicated, by the Proposal Closing.  Proposals received at the specific location after the Proposal Closing will not be considered and will be returned to the Proponent.

Proposal Documents

The Proponent will ensure that it provides its correct name, address, email address, telephone number and facsimile number to the District at the time the Proponent submits its set of Proposal Documents.

Please use above Request for Proposals (RFP) number on all correspondence.

Proponent is advised to read and respond appropriately to all sections of the RFP.  An incomplete Proposal may be rejected.

The submission of a Proposal constitutes the agreement of the Proponent to be solely responsible for any and all costs and expenses incurred by it in preparing and submitting its Proposal, including any costs incurred by the Proponent after the Proposal Closing.

Inquiries and Addenda

For questions and further information regarding this RFP, please contact:

Andy Liu, P.Eng.
Manager, Environmental Engineering
Tel:  250.360.3268
Fax:  250.360.3270

The District shall not be responsible for information received by the Proponent from any source other than the CRD.

If a Proponent is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the Proposal documents, or finds omissions or discrepancies therein, a request for interpretation or correction thereof may be submitted and, if deemed necessary by the District, an addendum will be issued by the District to be posted on the CRD Website and BC Bid Website should the District of its own accord wish to expand, delete or change any portion of the RFP documents.  

No oral explanation, interpretation or clarification of the RFP documents by any person whatsoever shall bind the District in the interpretation of the RFP documents.

Additional Documents:
None specified

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