Project manager:
John Mooney
Contact person:
John Mooney
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3352
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3352
Jun 27, 2019, 12:00 AM
Aug 9, 2019, 04:00 PM
Regional Parks
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Proposal
The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) invites you to submit a proposal for contract services to prepare a detailed design for the development of a parking lot for visitors to access the south end of Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park. The parking lot will be built adjacent to Highway 14 west of Humpback Road in the District of Metchosin. The project also includes a design for a vehicle service road/multi-use trail using an existing hiking trail leading from the parking lot to Veitch Creek, and a detailed design and site markings for bridge abutments over Veitch Creek.