Awarded to:
Sooke Slinger Service Ltd
The Project Representative for this RFQ is:
Alexandria Zayonc, Purchaser
CRD Integrated Water Services
Please direct all enquiries, by email, to the above-named Project Representative.
No telephone enquiries please.
Respondents are encouraged to submit enquiries at an early date to permit consideration by the Project Representative. The Project Representative may, in its discretion, decide not to respond to any enquiry.
The Closing Time is:
14:00 Pacific Daylight Time on February 23, 2022
Responses are to be submitted electronically to:
Attention: Alexandria Zayonc, Purchaser
CRD Integrated Water Services
The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) invites submissions (each a “Response”) to this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) from experienced general contractors (each a “Respondent”) interested in constructing the Goldstream Gatehouse project (the “Project”).
The Greater Victoria Water Supply Area (GVWSA), northwest of the city of Victoria is 20,550 hectares in size and contains the watersheds and reservoirs that supply the Regional Water Supply System.
The IWS Field Operations Centre (FOC) is the main entry point to the GVWSA, where staff, contractors, researchers and other stakeholders enter and exit on a daily basis. The centre also serves as a worker safety check-in/out and first aid station for the GWSA. The services being run through the existing infrastructure far exceed the infrastructures capabilities and capacity.
The goal of the new gatehouse and gate is to optimize the road entry and access to better accommodate traffic to the GVWSA safely with improved security and control. Further to this the facility will have sufficient space for the first aid room, issued equipment storage, equipment wash-down, watershed orientation and small meeting room space.
The CRD has engaged Number TEN Architectural Group. (“Number 10”) as the designer for the Project. The final design and specifications will be included in the Invitation to Tender (the “ITT”).