Addendum No. 002 - Issued March 15, 2024 - Re: Q&A
Addendum No. 001 - Issued March 5, 2024 - Re: Q&A and Delete/Replace
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to invite selected consultants to submit proposals to work with CRD staff to undertake a market research study to determine the effectiveness of the CRD’s waste reduction programming and behaviour change initiatives.
It is fundamental to this RFP that all documents, produced by the consulting firm, are the property of the CRD and may be used at the sole discretion of the CRD.
To achieve Goal 3 of the SWMP, the CRD needs current up-to-date information about public attitudes, knowledge of and behaviours toward solid waste reduction. This information is required to ensure citizens are informed and can participate effectively in proper waste disposal and management practices.
The Market Research and Engagement Study will be the first of its kind for the ERM division and will be conducted once every three (3) years. The intention is to allow for comparison between years to determine if the CRD’s waste reduction programs are effective, and to identify and address any challenges, limitations, or gaps within each program area. This study will help the CRD to better understand the public’s attitudes, knowledge and behaviours in relation to the CRD’s waste reduction programming and behaviour change initiatives within the capital region. It is a desire of the CRD to apply an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion lens at each stage of the research and engagement process.
The overall purpose of this study is to gather baseline data and to determine the effectiveness of waste reduction programming by monitoring how attitudes, knowledge and behaviours evolve over time. This study will provide a basis for evaluating and/or re-defining new approaches and strategies outlined in the SWMP.
The Market Research and Engagement Study aligns with the Strategy #1 outlined in the SWMP.
The consultant will have sound understanding of the key initiatives outlined in the SWMP and will also develop key performance indicators to measure progress against Goal 3 of the SWMP. The objectives of this market research and engagement study are:
- To evaluate the effectiveness of current CRD waste reduction programming and behaviour change initiatives
- To develop baseline information
- To understand the knowledge of residential and industrial, commercial and institutional community in relation to the SWMP, the general waste system and available services
- To inform existing programs and/to guide the development of future programming.