Nov 26, 2021: Addendum No 3 posted - extension of closing until
December 6, 2021 - 2:00 P.M. local time
Nov 15, 2021: Addendum No 2 posted
Nov 2, 2021: Addendum No 1 - Background info provided
1.1 Invitation
The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) invites detailed proposals from consultants (the "Proponents") in strict accordance with these Proposal Documents (CRD, RFP No. 2021-732).The proposals will be evaluated for the selection of a consultant with the intent to enter into a contract (the “Contract”) to provide the services described in Appendix “A”.
The Capital Regional District (CRD), hereinafter referred to as the "CRD”, invites Proposals for the for the design, tendering, construction management, testing, commissioning and post construction documentation for the infrastructure upgrades of six pump stations, one new pump station, and improvements at Schooner Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Proponents may be awarded additional follow-on work without a competition.
A Contract will not necessarily result from this Request for Proposal (“RFP”).
1.2 Closing Time and Date for Submission of Proposals
The CRD will accept either a hard copy or an electronic submission.
Hard copy
The CRD will accept three (3) copies of each proposal and one (1) USB, in accordance with the instructions contained herein, at the following specific physical location:
Attention Alexandria Zayonc Purchaser
Address Capital Regional District
479 Island Highway
Victoria BC V9B 1H7
Electronic copy
Submit a PDF copy of your Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal (in two separate files), in accordance to the instructions contained herein, to the following email address:
Delays caused by any computer related issues will not be grounds for an extension of the Closing Time. Proposals received electronically with a time stamp after the Closing Time will not be considered.
On or before the following date and time (the “Closing Time”):
Time: 2:00 P.M. [local time]
Date: 29 November 2021
1.6 Information Meeting
An information meeting is being scheduled by the CRD to review the CRD’s requirements under this RFP and to respond to any initial questions (there will be a PowerPoint presentation). Attendance at the meeting is not mandatory. The meeting has been scheduled as follows:
Date: November 9, 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Microsoft Teams
Join Meeting: Click here to join meeting
or call in (audio only) 1-778-402-9211 Conference ID: 571 522 926#
CRD Contact Person: Malcolm Cowley, PEng.
Phone: 250-360-3066