Request for Qualifications - Capital Regional District Hartland Biogas Upgrading Facility

Mar 19, 2021, 04:34 PM
Project manager:
Genevieve Tokgoz
Contact person:
Allison Chambers
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3641
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3084
Project ID:
Mar 19, 2021, 04:30 PM
May 14, 2021, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Facilities Management & Engineering
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Call for Qualifications

Awarded to:

Project Description:
Addendum #4 posted - May 5, 2021

Addendum #3 posted - April 30, 2021 List of Interested Respondents

Addendum #2 posted - April 12, 2021

Addendum #1 posted - April 8, 2021

The project consists of the construction of a BUF for the CRD at the Hartland Landfill (Hartland) located in the District of Saanich, 14 km from Victoria, British Columbia (BC). The BUF will be owned by the CRD and will be located at Hartland. Following the proposed three to five year O&M period, the CRD will operate the BUF.

The primary purpose of the BUF is to analyze, condition, upgrade, and pressurize LFG from the existing Hartland LFG collection and control field (LFGCCF) owned by CRD for sale to FortisBC Energy Inc (FEI) as RNG under a 25-year Biomethane Purchase Agreement between FEI and the CRD. The target date for first delivery of RNG to FEI is early 2023.

The Metering and Injection Station (Interconnection Station) will be located adjacent to the BUF and will be owned, designed and constructed by FEI. Prior to RNG being accepted by FEI at the Interconnection Station, it will be analyzed by FEI to ensure the RNG meets the required specifications of FEI (FEI Biomethane Specifications). RNG not meeting these specifications will be rejected back to the BUF where it will be flared or potentially recycled to the BUF inlet.


The CRD was incorporated in 1966 as an order of government to provide regional decision-making, shared local government services and local decision-making in rural areas. The CRD's jurisdiction is the southern tip of Vancouver Island and the surrounding Gulf Islands, including 13 municipalities and three electoral areas. Additional information about the CRD is available at:

Hartland is one of the largest landfills in BC and is required to collect and thermally combust LFG as per BC Ministry of Environment Landfill Gas Regulation. Since 1992, Hartland has collected LFG through a combination of 72 horizontal and 63 vertical gas collection wells. The current collected LFG flows are approximately 1,800 m3/hr (1,060 SCFM). Hartland is expected to remain in operation until at least 2049 and is currently undergoing a planning exercise that, if approved, would see the landfill's life extended to beyond 2100.

In 2003, the CRD entered into an agreement with Maxim Power Corp. (Maxim) to develop a LFGTE Facility which uses LFG to generate 1.6 MW of green power for sale to BC Hydro, with any surplus LFG flared. In 2013, the CRD took ownership and operational control of the plant from Maxim and began selling power directly to BC Hydro. Through this experience, the CRD personnel have developed the expertise to operate the Landfill Gas to Electricity Facility (LFGTE) Facility equipment and have the commercial experience to sell energy. The current Power Purchase Agreement with BC Hydro is nearing the end of its term. The LFGTE Facility is also nearing its end of life, and can only use about half of the LFG currently being collected.

The CRD has completed significant feasibility analysis including a pre-design feasibility report and detailed LFG modelling to evaluate the opportunity to transition from the production of power to the production of RNG.

The CRD has entered into an agreement with FEI to sell RNG generated from Hartland for beneficial use in FEI's natural gas distribution system. The agreement will be submitted to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) for approval as a prescribed undertaking under the provincial Greenhouse Gas Reduction Regulation. Once approved by the BCUC, FEI will be responsible for developing an Interconnection Station at Hartland and a new 7 km pipeline to FEI's existing intermediate pressure distribution network. The CRD agreement with FEI is for a term of 25 years, and allows for a range of sales volumes to a maximum of 280,000 GJ per year, with constraints on flow rates during the summer period, and provisions for negotiating increases to the maximum sales volume.

The main gas source for the BUF is LFG from Hartland. Other potential sources of biogas at some point in the future could include the adjacent Hartland Residuals Treatment Facility (RTF) and a future organics anaerobic digestion facility at Hartland. The RTF has been constructed (currently in commissioning) and will generate biogas from the biosolids digesters. Biogas produced by the RTF is currently being allocated for use in the dryers at the RTF, but this biogas could also be considered for upgrading to RNG in the future. Organics from a Source Separated Organics program in the CRD in the future could also be digested in the area, which could provide a third source of biogas to the RNG Facility.

The CRD currently expects it will require an initial biogas processing capacity of at least 2,380 m3/hr (1400 SCFM) of biogas input, with a turn down capability of at least 50%. The CRD also expects Proponents to design the BUF to allow for seamless and cost-effective expansion to at least 3,000 m3/hr (1,750 SCFM) in the future. The capacity requirements will be refined at the RFP stage, and Proponents will have an opportunity to refine their proposals for initial and expansion capacity to achieve an optimal balance between initial and future costs.


Any interested party, or parties, may submit a Response to this RFQ. Respondents may be corporations, joint ventures, consortia, partnerships or any other legal entities. If the Respondent is not a legal entity, the Respondent shall act through the legal entity or entities comprising the Respondent. Responses involving multiple parties must identify all team members that are fulfilling the five roles set out below, and must designate one legal entity as the Design-Build Lead and Respondent Representative. Responses must be signed and addressed by the Respondent Representative, whose signature will bind all members of the Respondent's team. Responses must include a project governance structure and delivery process identifying clear roles, responsibilities, and coordination mechanisms among the Respondent's team members.
Respondents to this RFQ must clearly identify the following:
- Design-Build Lead (this is the entity that will have ultimate responsibility for the Design-Build process, including providing or securing any financial guarantees as required);
- Design Lead (including upgrade process design, integration, and technology procurement);
- Construction Lead;
- Commissioning Lead; and
- Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Lead.

Overlap is permitted among these roles, provided the proposed Lead has demonstrated adequate skills, experience, and capacity to cover multiple roles.

The O&M Lead may be the Design-Build Lead for another party. The RFP Stage will outline conditions and requirements for any transition required from the design-build stage to the subsequent O&M stage. This will include transfer of any guarantees and financial accountability from the Design-Build Lead to a separate O&M Lead, if relevant.

At the RFQ stage the CRD is not evaluating technology, it is not mandatory to include Technology Suppliers, and the CRD will not require exclusivity of Technology Suppliers at the RFQ Stage. However, all Respondents to this RFQ must disclose and describe any affiliations (exclusive or otherwise) with Technology Suppliers as per instructions in the Relationship Disclosure Form in Appendix E. Prequalified Parties will be expected to secure the Technology Suppliers at the RFP stage. Technology Suppliers are not precluded from acting as any of the leads listed above (Design-Build lead, Design Lead, Construction Lead, Commissioning Lead, and O&M Lead).

The CRD understands that aspects of O&M may be best delivered by Technology Suppliers, once selected. The CRD requires Respondents to this RFQ to identify a Lead that will be responsible for delivering or securing the full scope of O&M services.

RFQ TITLE RFQ - CRD Hartland Biogas Upgrading Facility
Please use this title on all correspondence.

CONTACT PERSON Allison Chambers
Email only.
No telephone enquiries please.

ENQUIRIES Respondents are encouraged to submit enquiries as soon as possible and no later than 2:00:00 pm Pacific Time on the day that is 10 Business Days before the Submission Time to permit consideration by the CRD; the CRD may, in its discretion, decide not to respond to any enquiry.

RECEIPT CONFIRMATION FORM The Addenda and any further information relating to this RFQ will be directed only to parties who have completed and returned the Receipt Confirmation Form.

OPTIONAL SITE TOUR REGISTRATION DEADLINE Respondents must register for the optional site tour scheduled for April 14, 2021, by submitting their Receipt Confirmation Form by April 7, 2021.

MANDATORY INTRODUCTORY PROJECT MEETING The mandatory virtual introductory meeting to introduce the Project is planned for April 15, 2021.

SUBMISSION TIME 2:00:00 pm Pacific Standard Time on April 30, 2021

SUBMISSION LOCATION Capital Regional District, 625 Fisgard Street,
Victoria, BC, V8W 2S6
Attention: Allison Chambers

Additional Documents:
None specified

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