Request For Proposal - Property Appraisal Services

Oct 19, 2020, 11:15 AM
Project manager:
Ross Cameron
Contact person:
Ross Cameron
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3015
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3015
Project ID:
Oct 19, 2020, 12:00 AM
Nov 9, 2020, 04:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Legal Services & Risk
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Proposal

Awarded to:

Project Description:

Amendment #2:

Response to question posed by proponent:

As per the RFP document, can you advise on the following:
In Appendix A – Scope of Services, advising what should be included for the description of each building, the following is noted:
• Construction design and costs of reservoirs and dams
Can you clarify what information is required from the proponent on ‘Construction Design’. Is CRD looking for us to supply architectural drawings with our valuation?
• Will the winning proponent have access to previous appraisal valuations for refence?

The response provided:

No, there is no need for architectural designs except where the CRD can provide them. What is meant by “construction design” is what you need to do your valuation. I would expect square footage, year constructed, occupancy, foundation, structural frame, exterior walls, roof structure, equipment, fire protection and security, etc. Most of this information we have from previous valuations and would be provided but we will not be providing actual valuation amounts. It will be expected that all information we have and provide will be verified in the field.

Amendment #1.

Addition of a list of assets to be appraised.

Please note:

There are three spreadsheets in the attached document. They have been separated out as CRD, CRHD and CRHC. Appraisals for CRD and CRHD assets can be considered together as one quote. CRHC should be quoted separately.

The Capital Regional District and Capital Region Housing Corporation invite Proposals for the appraisal of buildings and structures for the purpose of establishing replacement costs for insurance purposes.

Additional Documents:
None specified

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