Notice of Intent to Direct Award
Issued: July 28, 2022
File # 2022-822
NOI Title: Supply of Odour Control Carbon Media for Saanich Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant
Capital Regional District
Notice is hereby given that Capital Regional District (the “CRD”), intends to directly award a contract to the following supplier to provide Unisorb Canada carbon media for the Saanich Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant odour control system. This is a one-time supply at an estimated value of $110,000 CAD.
ClimaChange Solutions
3883 South Valley Drive
Victoria BC V8Z 7Z1
In accordance with applicable trade agreements, CRD has chosen not to proceed with a competitive process for the following reason:
- the goods or services can be supplied only by the selected supplier and no alternative or substitute exists for the following reason:
(a) to ensure compatibility with existing products/systems
ClimaChange Solutions is the only supplier of this product in BC and logistically closer to the plant for expedited delivery.
Vendors who wish to challenge this decision should submit a detailed written objection to the attention of Shari McCreesh by email before 2:00 pm, Pacific Time, Monday, August 8, 2022. The CRD will review any and all issues received by this date and provide due consideration to each objection.
Please Reference File: # 2022-822 on all written correspondence.
Shari McCreesh | Purchaser
Capital Regional District
479 Island Highway, Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
T: 250.474.9674 C: 250.415.6848 |