The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include, but is not limited to, the following:
Procure and install cell 4 liner system for the Harland Landfill. The work covered by these specifications
consist of fine grading of the Cell 4 liner system sub grade (including any drilling, blasting and/or hydraulic
ramming of existing quarry floor and slopes), groundwater/surface water/leachate dewatering, installation
of cell 4 clay berm, crushing onsite shot rock into specified drainage aggregate types and
placing/compacting drainage aggregate layers, procuring and installing 29,221 m2 of HDPE and GCL liner,
installation of a ground water HDPE pore pressure relief piping system, installation of a leachate collection
HDPE piping system, tying-in temporary ground water and leachate piping to existing landfill piping
infrastructure to allow complete functionality of Cell 4 by September 30, 2024, according to the design
specifications and design intent.
Digital copies may be downloaded for no cost from after registering as
a vendor and at without registration. Vendors are encouraged to check BC Bid
regularly for updates and not rely on e-mail notifications, as e-mail is inherently unreliable and subject to
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
A MANDATORY pre-tender site meeting will be held at the Hartland Landfill Learning Center located at #1
Hartland Avenue, Saanich BC at 11:00am, Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 26, 2023. Tenders from non-attendees
may be rejected by the Owner and returned unopened to the Tenderer. After the meeting, an optional tour
of the project area will be given for those interested. CRD staff will escort the Tenderers to the project site.
Tenderers will require their own vehicles capable of safely travelling on steep and winding gravel roads.
Tenderers must wear steel toe shoes and a high visibility vest/jacket. Tenderers are recommended to visit
the site to ensure that they have satisfied themselves of everything and of every condition that could affect
the execution of the work. Tenderers are encouraged to make enquiries to satisfy themselves of the work