Builders' Lien Act
Notice of Certification of Completion: Contract 19-1990
Hartland Landfill Phase 2, Cell 3 163m Lift Horizontal Gas Wells
Certificate of Completion for Excel Contracting Ltd.
Take notice that on December 6, 2019 a Certificate of Completion, or court order to that effect, was issued with respect to a contract between Excel Contracting Ltd. (Contractor) and the CRD (Owner) in connection with an improvement on land described as follows:
Installation of approximately 1775m of HDPE horizontal landfill gas collection pipe and appurtenances for Hartland Landfill Phase 2, Cell 3 163m Lift Horizontal Gas Wells at 1 Hartland Avenue, Victoria, BC V9E 1L7.
All persons entitled to claim a lien under the Builders' Lien Act and who performed work or supplied material in connection with or under the contract are warned that the time to file a claim of lien may be abridged and Section 20 of the Act should be consulted.
Brad Munro
Project Manager
Parks & Environmental Services
Capital Regional District
July 17, 2019 - Addendum 1 Posted
July 23, 2019 - Tender Results Posted
CONTRACT 19-1990
Sealed Tenders, plainly marked on the envelope "Tender for Hartland Landfill (Phase 2, Cell 3, 163m Lift) Horizontal Gas Wells, Contract 19-1990” will be received by the General Manager, Parks & Environmental Services of the Capital Regional District at their offices at 625 Fisgard Street, Victoria, British Columbia up to 2:00:00 p.m. local time on July 23, 2019 at which time they will be opened in public.
The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include the following:
Installation of approximately 1775m of HDPE horizontal landfill gas collection pipe and appurtenances.
Specifications, Drawings, Contract Documents, and Tender Form may be seen at the offices of the Vancouver Regional Construction Association, 3636 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC; the Southern Vancouver Island Construction Association, 1075 Alston Street, Victoria, BC; and the Capital Regional District, 625 Fisgard Street, Victoria, BC on or after July 12, 2019.
Please note - Drawings are preliminary and final sealed drawings will be issued through an addendum, the week of July 15, 2019.
Copies may be obtained from the Capital Regional District, Parks & Environmental Services department, on payment of $100.00 (GST included) for each copy requested, the sum of which is non-refundable. Digital copies may also be downloaded from and at
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
A mandatory pre-tender site meeting will be held at Hartland Landfill, #1 Hartland Avenue at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 2019.
Phase 1 Works within this Contract shall be completed by September 4, 2019. Phase 2 Works within this Contract shall be completed by November 29, 2019.
For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact Brad Munro, Project Manager at 250-360-3086 or
Steve May, P. Eng.
Senior Manager, Facilities Management & Engineering Services
Capital Regional District