Fulford Water - Morningside Watermain Replacement

Jan 25, 2019, 04:10 PM
Project manager:
Chris Davidson
Contact person:
Chris Davidson
Project manager phone:
(250) 537-4448
Contact person phone:
(250) 537-4448
Project ID:
SSI 2019-003
Jan 25, 2019, 04:00 PM
Feb 15, 2019, 04:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Salt Spring Island Administration
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Invitation to Tender

Awarded to:

Project Description:
Sealed Tenders, plainly marked on the envelope “Tender SSI 2019-003 Fulford Water - Morningside Water Main Replacement  ” will be received by the Manager of Engineering, Salt Spring Island Electoral Area of the Capital Regional District at their offices at 108 – 121 McPhillips Avenue, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia V8K 2T6 up to 4:00 pm local time on Friday, February 15th, 2019.

The works to be constructed under this Contract include, but are not limited to the Earthworks and General Site Infrastructure work (the Work) required to replace a section of exposed and damaged pipe of the Fulford Water Main System.

Additional Documents:
None specified

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