The Capital Regional District (CRD) is committed to taking a leadership role in achieving regional carbon neutrality and to demonstrate this leadership by reducing the energy use and carbon impacts of the CRD’s buildings and wastewater infrastructure.
The Saanich Peninsula wastewater treatment plant is a secondary treatment plant that commenced operation in 2000. In 2011, the Saanich Peninsula wastewater treatment plant heat recovery system was commissioned. The system recovers thermal energy from the treatment plant effluent and supplies hot water to heat the Panorama Recreation Centre pool. The system displaces the need for natural gas to heat the pool, thus significantly reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from Panorama Recreation Centre. The treatment plant has an adjacent office building for staff that is heated by natural gas. The treatment plant is served by two primary pump stations: Sidney Pump Station and Keating Pump Station.
This Call for Credentials is to invite statements of credentials from consultant teams having experience in wastewater infrastructure energy and GHG-reduction audits as well as related capital projects. The purpose of this submission is to select a maximum of three qualified and experienced teams, which will then be invited to submit detailed proposals to undertake this energy study.
The CRD will only accept electronic submissions, please submit to Valerie Landa with the following subject line:
“EPRO2022-041 Energy Study for Saanich Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities - Proposal submission
On or before the following date and time:
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Time: 3:00 pm
The CRD reserves the right to extend the Closing Time at its sole discretion.