Dried Biosolids Hauling Services

Dec 11, 2019, 04:18 PM
Project manager:
Joshua Frederick
Contact person:
Joshua Frederick
Project manager phone:
(000) 000-0000
Contact person phone:
(000) 000-0000
Project ID:
Dec 11, 2019, 04:20 PM
Jan 30, 2020, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Facilities Management & Engineering
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Expressions of Interest

Awarded to:

Project Description:

January 17, 2020 - Addendum 1 Posted
January 22, 2020 - Addendum 2 Posted

Request for Expressions of Interest

Dried Biosolids Hauling Services

The CRD is seeking proposals from the trucking industry to provide transportation services for hauling dried biosolids from the CRD’s Residuals Treatment Facility (RTF) located within the Capital Region to a beneficial use facility near Richmond,. BC. Pre-qualified respondents may be asked to submit proposals for a prospective contract that is for a period of three (3) years with provision for two separate one (1) year extensions with anticipated commencement July 1, 2020.


The purpose of this Request for Expressions of Interest (“RFEOI”) is to:

  1. Identify interested and qualified companies that are capable of safely hauling dried biosolids in pneumatic bulk trailers equipped with a nitrogen inerting system; and

  2.  Pre-qualify one or multiple respondents that best meet the needs of the CRD.

This request relates solely to the hauling of biosolids that will be produced by the Hartland Residuals Treatment Facility and participation in this RFEOI will not restrict respondents from participating in other CRD procurements.


Residual solids from the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Plant will be piped to the RTF at Hartland Landfill, where they will be treated and turned into Class A biosolids. These biosolids are a dried high quality by-product safe for beneficial reuse and are intended to be used as a biofuel at a beneficial use facility.

Scope of Work

The RTF generates approximately 20 tonnes of dried municipal biosolids each day and the CRD desires to load, haul, and safely transfer the dried Class A product into a storage silo at a benefical reuse facility near Richmond, BC. This material is granular, ranges between 1 to 3mm in size, at minimum 90% dry, and will have a bulk density of 600kg/m3 at the time of hauling.

Bulk trailers supplied should be able to hold up to 50 tonnes and the CRD requires the Contractor to supply two bulk trailers that can be swapped out every second or third day. The Contractor shall weigh all loads before and after leaving the RTF plant at the CRD scales located at the Hartland North site to determine the tonnage of biosolids to be hauled off site. 

The Contractor is required to ensure that all explosion/combustion risks associated with biosolids dust during transport are mitigated through an inert low pressure nitrogen blanket system installed on the bulk trailers. Care shall be taken not to damage any site infrastructure at the RTF during the operation.

Mandatory Site Meeting

A mandatory site meeting will be held on January 8, 2020 at 10:00 am at the newly constructed RTF facility located at 380 Willis Point Road and respondents are required to familiarize themselves with the site and examine the load out facility, scales, etc.

Additional Documents:
None specified

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