The primary purpose of the RFP for CRD Transportation Service – Engagement and Facilitation Support (the Project) is to design and deliver targeted engagement activities to decision-makers and potentially affected interest holders relating to the establishment of a new transportation service in the Capital Regional District.
The Project will be a continuation of previous engagement activities with local governments and electoral areas in the CRD, focused on identifying desired changes in regional transportation governance and the establishment of a new transportation service.
The Project is focused on discussing four specific categories of potential governance change: connectivity, grants, traffic flow and congestion, and regional transportation planning. The goal is to further clarify what kinds of services under these categories are desired to be considered for short term governance change within the current four-year term, and which are best pursued in the future given that they may require further investigation and likely legislative change at the provincial level.
A key component of the Project will be the design and delivery of a full day workshop to bring together political and staff leadership from across the region to provide input on potential functions to be included in service establishment.