The closing date of this opportunity has been extended to August 28, 2020 at 2:00 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Proponents who have previously submitted proposals for RFSO 2020-002 Communications Consulting Services do not need to re-submit.
No. 2020-0002
The Capital Regional District (CRD) invites bids from qualified professional communications firms (bidders) for the supply and delivery of goods and services as and when, if required, to support Communications work at the CRD.
Bids will be submitted by email to Monique Booth, Communications Services Manager, at until bid closes at 2:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, August 14, 2020.
Bids received after the closing will not be accepted or considered. Delays caused by any delivery, courier or mail service(s) will not be grounds for an extension of the closing time. Bids received after the closing time will be returned unopened to the Proponent.
Bidders are to review the complete Request for Standing Offer package, including General Conditions, Description of Work, Bid Form and requirements.
Bidders are responsible for requesting any clarification on issues pertaining to the RFSO no later than seven (7) days before tender close. Proponents should submit all requests for clarification in written e-mail format specifying the name of the Authorized Contact Person identified in section 2.1.
If the CRD determines that an amendment is required to this RFSO, the CRD will issue a written addendum and it will be posted to BC Bid and CRD websites. The addendum(s) will be incorporated into and become a part of this RFSO and resulting contract(s). Failure to acknowledge and address all addenda in a Proposal may render the Proposal invalid. It is the sole responsibility of the Respondents to check BC Bid and the CRD websites for addendum(s) prior to submittal.
Bids must be submitted on the following forms and include the following information, refer to Section 5.0 Scope of Work for details, which is provided in this Request for Standing Offer:
The Bid Package will include:
• Completed Bid Form
• Summary of Qualifications and Experience
• List of References
• Schedule of Labour & Expense Rates (Disbursements)
Amendments to a submitted offer may be made by email only up to fifteen (15) minutes before the bid closing time and date noted above.