Notice of Intent to Direct Award
Issued: May 4, 2023
File # 2023-885
NOI Title: Capital Regional District – IMJ Consulting Inc.
Capital Regional District
Notice is hereby given that the Capital Regional District (the “CRD”), intends to directly award a Contract to the following supplier to provide “as and when needed, with no guaranteed minimum”, project delivery/management, staff mentoring and development, senior administrative support, consultant and vendor management, and capital planning services for a term of two years, with the possibility of three one-year extensions. It is unknown what the estimated value will be, due to the as-and-when needed nature of the work.
IMJ Consulting Inc.
2590 St. Andrews Street, Blind Bay, B.C.
V0E 1H2
The key resource for this work is Ian Jesney. Mr. Jesney is retiring from his salaried position after long service in the public and private sectors. This standing offer is meant to provide for continuity of service which Mr. Jesney’s years of experience can provide to the CRD and its associated entities.
Vendors who wish to challenge this decision should submit a detailed written objection for the attention of Shari McCreesh by email to before 2:00pm Pacific Time, May 14, 2023 CRD will review any and all issues received by this date and provide due consideration to each objection.
Please Reference File: # 2023-885 on all written correspondence.
Shari McCreesh | PurchaserCapital Regional District
479 Island Highway, Victoria, BC V9B 1H7
T: 250.474.9674 |