2023-867 Cecelia Water Meter Replacement

Sep 22, 2023, 01:33 PM
Project manager:
Contact person:
Shari McCreesh, Purchaser
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
(250) 474-9674
Project ID:
Sep 22, 2023, 01:20 PM
Oct 31, 2023, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Infrastructure Engineering
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Invitation to Tender

Awarded to:

Project Description:

September 28, 2023 - Addendum 1 Posted

October 17, 2023 - Addendum 2 Posted

October 18, 2023 - Addendum 3 Posted

October 19, 2023 - Addendum 4 Posted

October 24, 2023 - Addendum 5 Posted

November 1, 2023 - Bid Results Posted





CONTRACT  2023-867


Sealed Tenders, plainly marked on the envelope "Tender for CECELIA WATER METER REPLACEMENT, CONTRACT 2023-867" will be received by the Shari McCreesh, Purchaser of the Capital Regional District at their office at 479 Island Highway, Victoria, British Columbia up to 2:00pm local time on October 31, 2023, at which time they will be opened “in private”.

The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include, but is not limited to, the following:

The modification of an existing large diameter water main valve chamber to accommodate a 400mm (16”) magnetic flow meter installation with SCADA communication upgrades. This meter installation replaces an existing chambered ultra-sonic meter located in Cecelia Ravine Park in the City of Victoria. This project work will also include the decommissioning of two (2) existing meter chambers and a SCADA communication shed. Refer to tender package for the IFT Drawing Set, Specifications, and photos for details.


  • There are two, close in proximity, work sites with different construction permit requirements. Refer to the Cecelia Meter Locations Details pdf included.
  1. The line valve chamber to be modified is located within the Cecelia Road roadway between Napier Lane and Jutland Rd.  This area is known for commercial traffic.
  2. The existing meter chamber and a second meter chamber (abandoned) with a SCADA communication shed on top are located within the Cecelia Ravine Park which borders the Galloping Goose Trail.
    • The 1067mm (42”) diameter steel water main, known as Supply Main No.1, is to be reduced to 400mm diameter prior to passing through the existing line valve chamber. Refer to IFT drawing pages C202 – C204 for modification details to this chamber.
    • The valve chamber has internal dimensions of 4m(l) x 3.4m(w) x 2.7m(h) with 250mm thick walls.
    • Pipe modifications include the removal of all the existing pipework within the chamber as well as the cutting and reducing of the large steel water main outside the chamber. The exterior piping work will require excavation work in the roadway that extends approximately 5m beyond the east and west walls of this chamber. The new external pipework will include the addition of three direct bury gate valves with valve box access provided above within the road surface.
    • The CRD wishes to keep the 42” butterfly valve actuator from the line valve chamber.  All other pipework and equipment is to be removed from site and disposed.
    • Structural modifications to the chamber are to the east and west walls where the steel main passes through the chamber.  The overall internal dimensions of this chamber will not change with these modifications. Refer to IFT drawing pages C203 & C204.
    • The concrete lid for this chamber is currently paved over and will need to be exposed.  The design does not include replacement of the lid however the existing cutaway section will need to be exposed and removed to provide adequate chamber access for the new installations. Additionally, a hole for a new valve box will need to be cored through the lid. See IFT drawing page C203 & Photo titled: Cecelia Valve Chamber Site Details.
    • Water Supply Main No.1 carries an impressed current as cathodic protection. Installation works need to ensure the cathodic protection is reinstated so the current is isolated from the meter and not grounded at the site. Refer to IFT drawing pages C203 & C301.
    • The CRD preferred magnetic flow meter is the Endress & Hauser Promag W 400 c/w remote transmitter and a fully welded flow tube. SCADA monitoring and totalizer display is to be installed above ground in a kiosk located in the road right-of-way near the line valve chamber.
    • A water sampling line will be incorporated into the new meter chamber and plumbed to a water sampling station located in the new kiosk.
    • Supply Main No.1 has a flush\drain located in the Cecelia Ravine Park. This flush valve and all active CRD owned water infrastructure will be operated by CRD Staff ONLY.


    • Existing Ultra-Sonic Meter Chamber - This chamber only contains the 1067mm steel water main with an ultra-sonic meter attached. There is no other electrical or mechanical equipment, valves, or other appurtenances in this chamber.
    1. The chamber has internal dimensions of 2.75m(l) x 2.75m(w) x 2.0m(h)
    2. Demolition of this chamber includes removal of two (2) manhole hatches, disconnection of the meter, perforation of the chamber floor, backfilling, and surface restoration. Refer to IFT drawing pages C101 & C201 & Existing Meter Chamber photos.
    • Existing Electronics Shed with Abandoned Meter Chamber - The electrical shed located in the Cecelia Ravine Park sits on top of a previously abandoned ultra-sonic meter chamber.
    1. The shed houses SCADA electronics, meter display and a water sampling station. There are no details regarding this shed in the IFT Drawings. Refer to the CRD record drawing pdf file titled Decommissioning Markups and the Shed & Abandoned Chamber Photos included in this tender package.
    2. The CRD has had a hazardous materials assessment completed on the shed and no asbestos containing materials were discovered and some lead paint was found.  The complete report with disposal recommendations is attached, refer to Appendix F.
    3. The CRD will have the power source to this shed deactivated and will remove all electronic devices of interest prior to the Contractor demolishing the shed.
    4. There is one live 25mm water service line that runs from the shed and connects to the supply main. This copper water line is to be excavated at the main, disconnected, and capped. The active water main passes in front of the shed with only approximately 400mm of cover on the 1067mm (42”) steel main. Surface restoration for this exposure will include the replacement of paver stones. 
    5. The shed has a manhole hatch to access the abandoned chamber below.  This chamber is to have all water and electrical connections confirmed as disconnected. The chamber has no equipment required to be removed and is to be backfilled as per IFT drawing page C201.
    6. The abandoned chamber has internal dimensions of 3.48m(l) x 1.83m(w) x 1.96m(h).
    • Existing Line Valve Chamber Kiosk - Located near the line valve chamber (site of new meter) this kiosk is to be removed and replaced with a new kiosk as per the IFT Drawing Set.  The CRD has no interest in any of the decommissioned materials from this kiosk.


    • In coordination, any construction works planned by the Contractor that require operation of any CRD infrastructure must allow for adequate advance notice to CRD Operational staff. 
    • The Contractor’s projected construction timelines are to indicate the overall water shut down period expected for the Supply Main No.1. This time frame includes CRD Operational involvement to drain the required section of water main (allow 1 day) and for the Contractor to perform all construction\demolition works.
    • Construction is to be scheduled during the months between October – April to avoid the heavy water usage during summer months. Annual SCADA flow data confirms that the City of Victoria has adequate water supply via Supply Mains No.2 & No.3 to meet off season peak flow demands while Supply Main No.1 is out of service.


    • Confined space entry (CSE) certification is required. The Contractor is responsible to provide a CSE Support and Rescue Plan and provide their own CSE support\rescue personnel when needed.
    • An Environmental Management Plan was developed by the design Engineer of Record (EOR) Stantec Consulting and is included in this tender package. The Contractor must adhere to this plan.  
    • A Site-Specific Safety Plan is to be submitted for CRD review prior to commencement of any site works. This safety plan is specific to the work site(s) and will identify the certified first aid attendant, nearest medical facility, emergency transport routes, identify site hazards with mitigation measures, and meet all WorkSafe BC requirements.
    • Three (3) separate CRD Owner’s Hazard Notifications are included in this document set which identifies some known hazards at the new meter site as well as the two decommissioning sites. This document is for information purposes to aid in the development of the Contractor’s own site hazard risk assessment.
    • The Contractor is to hold Daily (Documented) Tailgate Site Safety Meetings.
    • Traffic Management Plan submitted for CRD review prior to commencement of site works.
    • Daily site safety and clean up is the sole responsibility of the Prime Contractor. The work site(s) must be left in a well delineated and secure manner at the completion of each working day.
    • All safety related plans, certifications, permits, construction drawings and specification documents must be always present on site.


    • The CRD has performed an archeological overview assessment (AOA) of the new meter site. The site was determined to be of low risk to encounter archaeological finds. It is recommended that this project proceed under the Guidelines for Archaeological Chance Finds Management.
    • The CRD will supply the Contractor with the appropriate Archaeological Chance Find Forms upon award.
    • The Contractor must be familiar with the Archaeological Chance Finds process and have available on site all necessary paperwork in the case of a chance encounter. If suspected archaeological materials are encounter during construction works, all work in the immediate area must cease and an archaeologist contacted. 


    • WorkSafe BC Notice of Project – obtained by Contractor
    • City of Victoria Construction Permit(s) – obtained by Contractor
    • BC ONE CALL - obtained by Contractor
    • Electrical Permits (City of Victoria & BC Hydro) - obtained by Contractor as required
    • Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for Galloping Goose Trail vicinity works - obtained by Contractor
    • Island Health Authority (IHA) Permit - obtained by the Consulting Engineer


    • The Contractor will provide a Commissioning Plan to the CRD for review prior to commencement of site activities.
    • The Contractor will coordinate with CRD Operations staff with refilling Supply Main No. 1 and commissioning of the new meter and kiosk installations.
    • The Contractor is responsible for the commissioning of the electrical features at the new kiosk and in the newly modified meter chamber. 
    • The Contractor will coordinate with CRD Communications & Instrument Control staff in commissioning of the radio communications and SCADA programming for the new site.


    • Shop drawings submitted by the Contractor to the CRD will be reviewed by the Engineer of Record (Stantec Consulting).  Allow for 1 week review time for shop drawing reviews.
    • Record drawings will be produced by the Consulting EOR with the Contractor expected to provide red-line markups detailing any changes to the construction drawings.
    • Production of an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual is not required from the Contractor. The Consulting Engineer will produce the O&M Manual with the Contractor expected to provide all relevant equipment lists, manuals, safety data sheets (SDS), etc. required to complete the O&M Manual.

    Proponents may be awarded follow-on work without a competition.

    Digital copies may be downloaded for no cost from www.crd.bc.ca/about/contracts-rfps/ after registering as a vendor and at www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca without registration. Vendors are encouraged to check BC Bid regularly for updates and not rely on e-mail notifications, as e-mail is inherently unreliable and subject to interruptions.

    The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

    A non-mandatory pre-tender site meeting will be held at the Cecelia Meter Site located within Cecelia Ravine Park at 9:00am, October 5, 2023. Tenderers are recommended to visit the site to ensure that they have satisfied themselves of everything and of every condition that could affect the execution of the work.  Tenderers are encouraged to make enquiries to satisfy themselves of the work requirements.

     For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact: 

    Shari McCreesh, Purchaser
    Capital Regional District
    Integrated Water Services
    479 Island Highway
    Victoria, BC   V9B 1H7    
    Tel: 250.474.9674
    Email:  PurchasingIWS@crd.bc.ca

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