Each community in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area has an Official Community Plan (OCP) which serves as a statement of the objectives and policies to guide local government decision-making and land use management and works towards the purpose and goals of the Regional Growth Strategy.
OCPs must include statements and map designations respecting:
- anticipated housing needs over a period of at least 5 years;
- commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, recreational and public utility land uses;
- sand and gravel deposits;
- hazardous or environmentally sensitive areas;
- road and utility systems;
- public facilities;
- affordable, special needs and rental housing;
- greenhouse gas emission reduction targets;
- consideration of provincial guidelines.
The key to development of an OCP is that it is a community-driven exercise that reflects the community's values with respect to growth and development. OCPs are created in consultation with community members, local committee and commission members and adopted by the CRD Board as a bylaw.
Current Official Community Plans
Bylaws can be accessed through this page via numerical order.
Community |
OCP Bylaw No. |
Date Adopted |
East Sooke |
4000 |
July 11, 2018 |
Malahat |
3721 |
March 13, 2013 |
Otter Point |
3819 |
October 8, 2014 |
Port Renfrew |
3109 |
August 11, 2004 |
Shirley & Jordan River |
4001 |
July 11, 2018 |
Willis Point |
3027 |
July 9, 2003 |
Rural Resource Lands |
3591 |
March 3, 2010 |