Projects, Series and Extended Programming Grants

Project Grants is the short name for Projects, Series and Extended Programming Grants. They support not-for-profit arts organizations to produce and present:

  • One-time projects
  • A short series of events
  • Extended programming within a year

Activities may include:

  • Support for artistic growth
  • Development of an art project
  • Production of an arts event
  • Presentation of arts activities

Next deadline: Spring 2025 (TBD)

Grant request recommendation

 $1,000 - $10,000*
*Smaller grant requests may be prioritized for funding. Awards for more than $10,000 are rare—these applications should show that there is a clear need for an exception to be made.

If you receive a grant

Acknowledge CRD support

You should acknowledge CRD Arts & Culture support in any promotion material related to your funded project.

Final reports

You must send us a final report within two months of completing your project. Contact us to request final report forms.

Project Grant amounts

For Project grants, the amount awarded is determined by:

  • The evidence of demonstrated need in the application
  • The needs of other applications received at the same deadline
  • limits to available resources

Browse recent grant recipients

How to apply

  1. Review the guidelines and sample application for Project Grants.
  2. Contact us with questions, to confirm your organization's eligibility and to request an application form.
  3. Complete the application and gather supporting documents. Include a scanned signature with your application.
  4. Email your application to the address on the application form by 4:30 pm on the deadline.

Ineligible activities

These expenses are not eligible for funding:

  • Contests and competitions
  • Conferences, workshops and other forms of training
  • Scholarships
  • Purchasing, improving or maintaining capital assets (such as buildings, vehicles, equipment or land)
  • Food, beverages and other hospitality costs
  • Touring, travel expenses, or tourism promotion
  • Elimination or reduction of accumulated debts
  • Expenses for events or activities that have already taken place

Who can apply

Applicants MUST:

  • Be a registered non-profit organization with a physical address in a participating jurisdiction:
    • Saanich
    • Victoria
    • Oak Bay
    • Esquimalt
    • View Royal
    • Highlands
    • Metchosin
    • Sooke
    • Southern Gulf Islands (excluding Salt Spring Island)
  • Have arts programming as their primary mandate and purpose
  • Have been active in the region for six months

Applicants MUST NOT be:

  • Individual artists
  • Civic departments or branches (such as libraries or community centres)
  • Clubs and organizations whose main mandate involves social service, sports, religion or education
  • Receiving CRD operating funding
  • Bankrupt, seeking creditor protection, unable to pay debts when they are due, or under court supervision
  • Providing payment of any kind to board members

Project Grant information sessions

    Contact Us

    Confirm eligibility and request an application form:
    Tel: 250.360.3215
    Email Arts & Culture
