Apartments and Condos
Apartment and condos fall under the category of multi-family dwellings, which can also include co-operative housing, townhomes and converted homes. Collection services for garbage, recycling and kitchen scraps for multi-family buildings are provided by private collectors.
Collectors are contracted by building management. If you have concerns about the services offered in your building please contact your building manager, strata council, landlord, property manager or property management company.
About 13% of all waste sent to Hartland Landfill comes from multi-family buildings. More than half of all waste from multi-family buildings could have been diverted through existing organics and recycling programs.
What Goes Where?
Is your building having trouble sorting waste? In 2024, the CRD is continuing to lend a hand to multi-family dwellings by getting more residents recycling!
The project looks to work with property managers, strata councils, tenants, etc., to support increased waste diversion in apartments and condo buildings. Participants will be provided with signs for waste sorting areas, education materials to distribute to residents as well as advice and tips on how to decrease contamination and increase diversion.
If you would like to know more about this project or would like to participate, please
contact us.
Waste Sorting Resources
These signs illustrate which items go where and will help residents sort their materials to decrease contamination and save costs. Before using the signs, confirm with your hauler which materials are collected. If the signs below do not fit the system within your building, please contact us.
Additional Resources
Waste Collection Service Providers
Looking for a private waste and recycling service provider? There are a number of companies in the region that provide subscription collection services for garbage, kitchen scraps and recycling. Please contact companies directly for information regarding their services and fees. Here is a list of service providers in the region:
Depots and Drop-Off Options
Looking to divert materials not collected at your building? Some items, such as foam packaging, flexible plastics, batteries, and lightbulbs, are collected at depots or drop-off centres. Use the tool to search for items you would like to divert.