About the System
The Port Renfrew Water System is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area and provides drinking water to approximately 187 service connections in a part of the Town of Port Renfrew, known as Beach Camp and Snuggery Cove. CRD Integrated Water Services is responsible for the overall operation of the water system with day-to-day operation and maintenance, design and construction of water system facilities provided by the CRD Infrastructure Engineering and Operations Divisions. The quality of drinking water provided to customers in the Port Renfrew Water System is overseen by the CRD Water Quality Division.
System Information
Water Restrictions
Current Conservation Stage: Stage 1
Every drop counts! Visit our resource page for more ways to use water wisely.
Water Conservation Bylaw 4492
The Electoral Area Water Conservation Bylaw (4492) is in effect May 1 to September 30, unless otherwise authorized by the General Manager of Integrated Water Services.
Lawn Watering Schedule:
- Stage 1 – Watering only permitted once per week between the hours of 4-10am or 7-10pm.
- Stage 2 – Watering only permitted once every two weeks between the hours of 4-10am or 7-10pm.
- Stage 3 – Watering not permitted.
Source Water
The Port Renfrew water system is currently supplied from a single ground water source, (Well PW#3), that pumps to a nearby water treatment facility, located east of Port Renfrew.
Water Treatment Process
Water from the well is pumped to an aeration tower for hydrogen sulphide removal. Following disinfection with chlorine (liquid sodium hypochlorite), the water is pumped 2,800 metres to Beach Camp to two storage reservoirs totalling 886 cubic metres.
Distribution System
Disinfected water is distributed to customers from the storage reservoirs through a network of over 4,400 metres of 150 mm (6") and 100 mm (4") water mains to the Beach Camp Area and to the Snuggery Cove Area. The distribution system also contains hydrants and standpipes. Service from the property line to the dwelling is the homeowners’ responsibility.