Harbours and Watersheds Programs

Borrow a Watershed Model

An EnviroScape watershed model. Borrow an EnviroScape® watershed model and demonstrate how we're all connected through water and watersheds. Create hands-on learning opportunities, visualize how water flows through the environment, and learn how human behaviours impact watershed health.

Contact us to borrow a watershed model or to discuss other methods of incorporating watershed protection education into your learning plans.

Storm Drain Marking Program

Do the storm drains near your school have yellow fish painted beside them? The yellow fish reminds us they empty directly into local streams.

If everyone lets a small amount of pollution such as oils and gasolines, pesticides, fertilizer, paint chips, or carwash detergents into the storm drain, it adds up to toxic levels that kill insects, plants, and fish.

If your class would like to participate in the Storm Drain Marking Program developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, please contact the Victoria, BC Education Coordinator to receive your Strom Drain Marking Kit, informational brochures, and guidance on how to complete the program.

High School Biodiversity Challenge

iNaturalist is a free online app that encourages individuals to get outside, explore, and document biodiversity. Information added to the app contributes to citizen science projects used across the globe.

Record class observations of living things on the CRD High School Biodiversity Challenge project page. Compete with classes across the region to see who can log the most observations, rarest species, or greatest variety of species.

Contact us for more information on how to use iNaturalist and start documenting biodiversity!

Borrow a Watershed Model

Request a watershed model for your school. 


Explore our education resources for activities, videos and reference materials covering a variety of environmental topics.

Educators' Newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter for seasonal reminders about CRD school programs and registration dates.

Contact Us

Drinking Water & Watersheds School Programs
Tel: 250.360.3133