Message from the Board Chair
I am honoured to serve as Board Chair for the Capital Regional District (CRD) and the people who live, work, create and play here. From vibrant urban centres and rich agricultural farmland to deep wilderness and surf-tossed beaches, there is something magical about the capital region. I enjoy hearing from residents about their unique experiences and connections to our community.
Our mission is to serve the public good and build a vibrant, livable and sustainable region through an effective, efficient and open organization. I promise to advocate and ask for additional support from federal and provincial governments for regional priorities and will do my best to foster a culture of respect focused on shared values and priorities.
The continued growth of our region presents new opportunities and responsibilities for our Board. We must work together to address the most pressing issues for our region – livability, environment & climate, First Nations relations and governance – while also celebrating success. I invite you to read our Board Priorities to see how we will work together to benefit the entire region.
As elected officials, our Board is committed to transparency and dialogue as we hear from constituents, identify risks and opportunities and make decisions that will shape our future. I invite you to watch our live webcast, review our latest progress reports and participate in the process.
I am passionate about doing what is right for the region and am grateful for the privilege to serve as your Chair.
Colin Plant
CRD Board Chair