The resources used to create products are lost forever when items are thrown in the garbage. By participating in recycling programs we are taking responsibility for the products we purchase and support a system where these materials can be used over and over again.
5Rs at the CRD
In addition to owning and operating the region's landfill, the CRD delivers programs which support materials management and the diversion of waste from Hartland Landfill. By applying the 5R hierarchy of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Resource Recovery and Residuals Management we endeavor to seek the highest and best use for our waste materials.
Through services provided at Hartland, our Infoline and 3Rs education and community outreach programs, CRD staff regularly respond to enquiries about waste reduction and waste management. Here is a list of our top 12 frequently asked questions.
Other Recycling Programs
Recycling services for multi-family residents, commercial buildings and institutions is provided collectors. Learn more >>