Frequently Asked Questions and Glossary

Find answers to your grant-related questions and a glossary of terms below. If you have other questions or have terms you would like added to the glossary, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of grants are there?

We have five grant programs that support different kinds of arts programming:

  • Equity Grant - funds arts programing by and for equity-seeking communities
  • Incubator Grant - supports the development of new and emerging not-for-profit arts organizations
  • IDEA Grant - encourage arts programming by non-arts mandated organizations
  • Project Grant - supports one-time projects, series of events or extended programming
  • Operating Grants - supports established organizations with stable funding to enable long-term planning

Check out our Grant Finder PDF to determine which grant program is right for you.

How much funding can we apply for?

Each grant program has a different maximum request amount:

*Adjudicators determine Project and Operating Grant awards based on criteria that includes:

  • evidence of need in the application;
  • the needs of other applications received at the same time, and;
  • the available resources.

For context, check out lists of our past grant recipients with funding amounts.

Where does funding for CRD Arts & Culture grants come from?

The CRD Arts & Culture Support Service (Arts Service) distributes the funding. It is a sub-regional service supported by the following jurisdictions:

  • Saanich
  • Victoria
  • Oak Bay
  • Esquimalt
  • View Royal
  • Highlands
  • Metchosin
  • Sooke
  • Southern Gulf Islands

The CRD's annual Financial Planning process determines the Arts Service's budget. It is then approved by the Arts Commission and the CRD Board of Directors.

Can we apply to more than one grant program at a time?

No—with one exception. Eligible organizations can apply for an Operating or Project Grant and be a Sponsor Society for an Equity Grant applicant. See our Equity Grant page to learn more about Sponsor Societies.

How do we prepare a grant application?

  1. Determine which grant program you'll be applying for. Use our handy Grant Finder PDF to make sure you're applying to the right program.
  2. Visit the program-specific webpage. There you'll find useful information including deadlines, application guidelines, and eligibility requirements.
  3. Contact us to confirm whether you are eligible. If you are, we will send you an application form.
  4. Make your application as strong as possible by:
    • Starting the application early. Give yourself enough time to ask us questions if needed.
    • Attending an information session. We host these leading up to grant deadlines. We go over tips and tricks, common mistakes, and answer all your questions. Visit our Community Outreach page to find out about upcoming information sessions.
    • Using helpful resources like Greater Victoria Community Funders' Network Grant Writing Handbook (PDF). It discusses preparing grant applications, and provides example questions, answers, and budgets.
  5. Submit your application on time! Email your complete application to us BEFORE 4:30pm on the deadline to ensure it gets considered.


How does the CRD judge grant applications?

Adjudicators judge each application on its own merit, and in relation to other applications. They will consider the following:

  • The demonstrated ability of the applicant to carry out the project.
  • If the applicant has the capacity to achieve the artistic goals of the project.
  • How appropriate the project budget is.
  • The impact of the project on the development of arts in participating jurisdictions (Esquimalt, Highlands, Metchosin, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sooke, Southern Gulf Islands, Victoria, and View Royal).
  • The benefit of the project to the community, including benefits to equity-seeking groups.
  • The project's contribution to the development of artists, the art form, and to the applicant organization.

We submitted our grant application. Now what?

We will notify you of your application's results once adjudication is complete. This may take up to 10 weeks following the grant deadline.

The adjudication process is as follows:

  • CRD staff work with the Arts Advisory Council (AAC) to judge applications. The AAC is a group of appointed volunteers.
  • The AAC recommends award amounts to the Arts Commission.
  • The Arts Commission approves the AAC's recommendations. The Arts Commission is a group of elected officials from the jurisdictions that support the service.

We received a grant. Where should we acknowledge our funding?

We ask all CRD grant recipients to acknowledge our support in their communications. This helps to raise awareness about our grants, and the value of public funding. It also allows us to help promote your organization's work.

    We received a CRD Arts & Culture grant and our project is underway. Will you promote it?

    We would love to support your project! Tag us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and use hashtags #crdarts and #yyjarts, so we can share your posts. You can also contact us to share promotional information.

    The CRD also has a public bulletin board in the lobby of its Fisgard office. You can mail or deliver print posters promoting initiatives funded by CRD for the board.


    Glossary of Grant Terms


    Refers to the degree of ease with which people with disabilities can use and enjoy something (e.g. device, service, place). Accessibility considers artists, staff and audiences.

    Advancing accessibility means addressing barriers that prevent people with disabilities from equal access.

    Accessibility considerations include:

    • Information and communication: ASL interpreters, audio description, subtitles and picture-in-picture interpretation, Braille, etc.
    • Physical: removing barriers to ensure people can enter and use facilities equally.
    • Technology: includes accessible website design.
    • Organizations, attitudes and systems: includes education and training to guide design and service.

    (Based on: City of Victoria Accessibility Framework and Deaf and Disability Arts Practices in Canada by V. Leduc, et al.)

    Cultural Safety

    A term used predominantly in health care, but is also applicable to other systems. Cultural safety is an outcome based on respectful engagement. It recognizes and strives to address power imbalances inherent in a system. The result is an environment free of all forms of discrimination, where people feel safe. 

    (Based on: First Nations Health Authority 'Creating a Climate for Change' definition)


    Refers to people with hearing loss, or who are hard-of-hearing, oral-deaf, deaf-blind and late-deafened. Many of these people identify as culturally Deaf. They share distinct sign languages, traditions, histories, and values.

    (Based on: Canada Council for the Arts definition of Deaf)


    Refers to people with physical or intellectual disabilities, mental or chronic illness, or neurodivergence who experience discrimination and disadvantage. Disabilities can be long-term, temporary or fluctuating.

    (Based on: Canada Council for the Arts definition of disability)


    Refers to the variety of unique dimensions, qualities, and characteristics we all possess, and the mix that occurs in any group of people. It considers race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, economic status, ability, and so on.

    (Based on: Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion definition)


    Equity is both a principle and process. It promotes fair conditions for all persons to fully participate in society. It recognizes that while all people have the right to be treated equally, not all experience equal access to resources, opportunities or benefits. Achieving equality does not always mean treating people in the same way. It may require the use of specific measures to ensure fairness.

    (Based on: Canada Council for the Arts definition of equity)

    Equity-Seeking Groups

    Also called equity-deserving groups.

    Refers to groups who face significant systemic discrimination. This could be based on age, ethnicity, disability, economic status, gender, nationality, race, sexual orientation, and so on. In response to this discrimination, they work towards equal rights, social justice, and reparation.

    (Based on: BC Arts Council definition of equity-deserving groups)


    Inclusion creates an environment which embraces, respects, accepts and values diversity. It is a mindful effort to meet needs equitably so that everyone feels valued, respected and able to contribute fully.

    (Based on: Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion definition)

    Not-for-Profit Society

    This is an organization created and operated on a non-commercial basis. The organization fulfills a specific need and purpose in a community. To apply for a grant, a not-for-profit society must be incorporated and in good standing with the Province of BC Registry of Societies.

    Participant in the Arts Service

    A jurisdiction that gives funding to support the development of the arts through the CRD Arts & Culture Support Service.

    The current participants are:

    • Saanich
    • Victoria
    • Oak Bay
    • Esquimalt
    • View Royal
    • Highlands
    • Metchosin
    • Sooke
    • Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area

    Projected Year

    Refers to the financial year of programming that has not yet begun. Applicants may need to describe programming they have planned and give estimated revenues and expenses for that year.

    Respectful Environments

    Respectful environments are free from discrimination, violence, harassment and sexual misconduct. All individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

    Policies and procedures are in place that protect and promote healthy environments. Employers in BC have legal obligations to prevent and respond to workplace harassment. Find resources and workshops at Respectful Arts Workplaces.

    Connect with us

    Sign up for our e-newsletter and follow CRD Arts & Culture on social for the latest news on arts funding opportunities, events and workshops.


    Contact Us

    Tel: 250.360.3215