Local Government


Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Director Election Results

Al Wickheim: 703
Sandy Sinclair: 201
Derek Bishop: 137
Shaunna Salsman: 80

Salt Spring Island Electoral Area Director Election Results

Gary Holman: 1,917
Jesse Brown: 971
Kylie Coates: 941

Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area Director Election Results

Paul Brent: 1,643
Ben McConchie: 1,289

Voter Turnout for 2022

Juan de Fuca - 19.16%
Salt Spring Island - 39.31%
Southern Gulf Islands - 50.63%


Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Director Election Results

Michael Hicks: 849
Daniel Yates: 184

Salt Spring Island Electoral Area Director Election Results

Gary Holman: 2307
Robin Williams: 1158

Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area Director Election Results

Ken Hancock: 1073
Dave Howe: 1225

Voter Turnout for 2018

Juan de Fuca - 19%
Salt Spring Island - 38%
Southern Gulf Islands - 51%


Juan De Fuca Electoral Area Director Election Results

Mike Hicks: Acclaimed

Salt Spring Island Electoral Area Director Election Results

Garth Hendren: 554
Wayne McIntyre: 1,923

Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area Director Election Results

Stephen Cropper: 869
Dave Howe: 1,982

Voter Turn-Out for 2014

  • Salt Spring Island – 30.3%
  • Southern Gulf Islands – 62%
  • Galiano Island – 81%
  • Mayne Island – 52.7%
  • Saturna Island – 71%
  • North Pender Island – 70.6%
  • South Pender Island – 81.6%


Local Government Official Results

Official Election Results for CRD Electoral Area Directors - General Voting Day Saturday, November 19, 2011.

Juan de Fuca Electoral Area - One Director elected for a 3-year term

Alanda Carver: 476
Mike Hicks: 666

Salt Spring Island Electoral Area - One Director elected for a 3-year term

Carole Eyles: 1,147
Garth Hendren: 383
Ken Lee: 178
Dietrich Luth: 229
Wayne McIntyre: 1,329
Leslie Wallace: 362

Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area - One Director elected for a 3-year term

David Howe: Acclaimed

Elector Approval Results


Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4522, Canada Goose Management Service

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4522, “Canada Goose Management Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2022” to authorize the establishment of a service for the purpose of regional Canada Goose management and coordination within the CRD.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within all municipalities and electoral areas of the CRD, including Central Saanich, Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria, View Royal, and the Electoral Areas of Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island, and Southern Gulf Islands. The alternative approval process for Bylaw No. 4522 was advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website.

At the close of the deadline of January 23, 2023 for receipt of electoral responses, it was determined that 175 elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained. 

Bylaw No. 4522 was adopted on February 8, 2023.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4515, Solid Waste Disposal Loan Authorization

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4515, “Solid Waste Disposal Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2022” to authorize the borrowing of thirty-six million dollars ($36,000,000) for the purpose of acquiring, designing and constructing solid waste facilities and site improvements at the Hartland Landfill site, construction of remote transfer stations and all related ancillary works and equipment.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within all municipalities and electoral areas of the CRD, including Central Saanich, Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria, View Royal, and the Electoral Areas of Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island, and Southern Gulf Islands. The alternative approval process for Bylaw No. 4515 was advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website.

At the close of the deadline of January 23, 2023 for receipt of electoral responses, it was determined that two elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained. 

Bylaw No. 4515 was adopted on February 8, 2023.


Salt Spring Island Local Community Commission Referendum

Bylaw No. 4507

On Saturday, October 15, 2022 qualified electors in the Salt Spring Island Electoral Area of the CRD voted on the following question:

"Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw No. 4507, "Salt Spring Island Local Community Commission Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2022", authorizing the establishment of a local community commission for the Salt Spring Island Electoral Area, to be comprised of four elected commissioners and the Electoral Area Director, to oversee and advise on economic development, wastewater disposal, community parks and recreation, small craft harbour facilities, transit and transportation, street lighting, grants-in-aid, compensation for livestock injured by dogs, and the contribution services for arts, public library, and search and rescue? YES or NO?"

Official Voting Results:
Yes: 2,297
No: 1,448

Bylaw No. 4507 was adopted on December 14, 2022.

Southern Gulf Islands Transportation Referendum

Bylaw No. 4484

On Saturday, October 15, 2022 qualified electors in the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area of the CRD voted on the following question:

"Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw No. 4484, "Southern Gulf Islands Transportation Service Establishing Bylaw No. 1, 2022" authorizing the CRD to establish an integrated transportation service for the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area to raise a maximum annual requisition up to the greater of SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($675,000) or $0.1414 per ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) of taxable land and improvements for the purpose of funding the operating costs of the service. YES or NO?"

Official Voting Results:
Yes: 1,495
No: 1,498

As the referendum failed, Bylaw No. 4484 was not adopted.


Pender Islands Health Care Centre Referendum

Bylaw 4441

On Saturday, November 20, 2021 qualified electors within North and South Pender Islands in the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area of the CRD voted on the following question:

"Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw No. 4441, "Pender Islands Health Care Centre Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2021", authorizing the CRD to establish a service to contribute to the costs incurred by the Pender Islands Heath Care Society in operating the Pender Islands Health Care Centre and to raise a maximum annual requisition up to the greater of TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($235,000) or $0.1803 per ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) of taxable land and improvements for the purpose of funding the operating costs of the service. YES or NO?"

Official Voting Results:
Yes: 791
No: 142

Bylaw 4441 was adopted on December 8, 2021.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4379, Loan Authorization for Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Local Service Area

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4379, “Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5, 2020” to authorize the borrowing of $14,800,000 for acquiring, designing and constructing water distribution facilities in the western communities of the Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Local Service Area.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Local Service Area which is comprised of the municipalities of Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke, View Royal, and the portion of Highlands, Langford, and the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area as set out in Bylaw No. 2538, in the Capital Regional District. The alternative approval process for Bylaw No. 4379 was advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website.

At the close of the deadline of August 30, 2021 for receipt of electoral responses, it was determined that two (2) elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained. 

Bylaw 4379 was adopted on September 8, 2021.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4382, Loan Authorization for Regional Water Supply

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4382, “Regional Water Supply Water Works Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5, 2020”  to authorize the borrowing of $46,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, designing, and constructing water works facilities of Regional Water Supply.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within all municipalities of the CRD, including Central Saanich, Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, Langford, Metchosin, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria and View Royal and in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area. The alternative approval process for Bylaw 4382 was advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website. 

At the close of the deadline of August 30, 2021 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that four (4) elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained. 

Bylaw 4382 was adopted on September 8, 2021.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4408, Borrowing for Improvements to Southern Gulf Islands Small Craft Harbour Facilities

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4408, “Southern Gulf Islands Harbours Service Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2021” to authorize the borrowing of one million one hundred eighty thousand dollars ($1,180,000) for improvements to the Southern Gulf Islands small craft harbour facilities.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Small Craft Harbour Facilities Local Service Area which is comprised of all the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area in the Capital Regional District. The alternative approval process for Bylaw 4408 was advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website. 

At the close of the deadline of July 5, 2021 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that twenty-five (25) elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained.

Bylaw 4408 was adopted on July 14, 2021.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaws 4393 and 4394, Florence Lake Water System Local Service Area

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4393, "Florence Lake Water System Local Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2020" to establish a water system local service in the area formerly serviced by Florence Lake Improvement District; and Bylaw No. 4394, "Florence Lake Water System Local Service Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2020" to authorize the borrowing of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the Florence Lake water system upgrade. 

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Florence Lake Improvement District, comprised of properties with an odd-numbered street address ranging between 2601 and 2649 Savory Road, in the City of Langford, BC in the Capital Regional District. The alternative approval process for Bylaws Nos. 4393 and 4394 were advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website. 

At the close of the deadline of July 5, 2021 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that zero (0) elector response forms had been accepted. As this represents less than 10% of registered votes, elector assent was obtained.

Bylaw Nos. 4393 and 4394 were adopted on July 14, 2021.


Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4326 and 4327, Regional Housing First Program

The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) Board proposed to adopt Bylaw No. 4326 “Land Assembly, Housing and Land Banking Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2019” to remove the limitations to borrowing and Bylaw No. 4327, “Regional Housing First Program Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2019” to authorize the borrowing of an additional ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for the Land Assembly, Housing and Land Banking Service.

Electoral approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Areas. The alternative approval process for Bylaw Nos. 4326 and 4327 were advertised in local newspapers and information was placed on the CRD website. At the close of the deadline of February 18, 2020 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that the following number of elector response forms had been accepted:

Juan de Fuca Electoral Area 3
Salt Spring Island Electoral Area 36
Southern Gulf Island Electoral Area 1

As this represents less than the 10% of registered votes in each electoral area, elector assent was obtained.

In order to adopt the bylaws, electoral approval was also required by the 13 municipal participants via the municipal Council. All 13 municipal Councils consented to the adopted by Bylaws No. 4326 and 4327.

Bylaws No. 4326 and 4327 were adopted on March 11, 2020.


Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4325, Establishment of a Community Safety Service on Salt Spring Island

The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) Board proposed to adopt Bylaw 4325, “Salt Spring Island Community Safety Service Establishing Bylaw No. 1, 2019”. The new Salt Spring Island Community Safety Service was intended to assist, administer, promote, organize, implement, and monitor community safety initiatives and programs in the Salt Spring lsland Electoral Area.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Salt Spring Island Electoral Area.  The alternative approval process for Bylaw No. 4325 was advertised in local newspapers, information was placed on the CRD website, and a public open house was held. 

At the close of the deadline of December 9, 2019 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that 1850 elector response forms had been accepted.  As this represents more than 10% of registered votes (or 910 electors), elector assent was not obtained.


Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Referendum

Bylaw 4320

On November 23, 2019 qualified electors in the service area for the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System on Pender Island voted on the following question:

“Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw 4320, “Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3, 2019”, authorizing the Capital Regional District to borrow an amount up to but not to exceed SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) for the purpose of administering, planning, designing, acquiring and constructing the capital renewal and upgrade of the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System. YES or NO”

Official Voting Results:

Yes: 207

No: 36


Bylaw 4320 was adopted on December 11, 2019.


Saturna Island Health Care Clinic Referendum
Bylaw 4231

On October 20, 2018 qualified electors on Saturna Island voted on the following question:

Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw No. 4231, "Saturna Island Medical Clinic Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No.1, 2018" authorizing the CRD to establish a service to contribute to costs incurred by the Saturna Community Club in operating the Saturna Island Medical Clinic and to raise a maximum annual requisition of the greater of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($40,000) or $0.17 per ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) of taxable land and improvements for the purpose of funding the operating costs of the service."?

Official Voting Results:

Yes: 184
No: 24

Bylaw 4231 was adopted on December 12, 2018.

South Galiano Fire Protection and Emergency Response Service Referendum
Bylaws 4239 and 4240

On October 20, 2018 qualified electors on South Galiano Island voted on the following question:

Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District Board adopting both of the following bylaws?

Bylaw No. 4240 "South Galiano Fire Protection and Emergency Response Service Establishment Bylaw No 1, 1993, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2018" authorizing the Capital Regional District to increase the maximum annual requisition so that it will be the greater of FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($470,000) or $1.157 per ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) of net taxable assessed value of land and improvements for the purposes of funding the annual costs for the service, including operating costs and costs to design and construct a new fire hall on south Galiano Island and permit the recovery of annual costs for the service by way of a parcel tax in addition to the current requisition; and

Bylaw No. 4239 "South Galiano Island Fire Hall Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2018" authorizing the Capital Regional District to borrow an amount not to exceed TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,400,000) for the purpose of designing and constructing a fire hall on south Galiano Island.

Official Voting Results:

Yes: 315
No: 244

Bylaws 4239 and 4240 were adopted on January 9, 2019.


Assent Vote for SSI Incorporation Referendum

Official Voting Results

Yes: 2419
No: 3930

The referendum failed.

The Question

Are you in favour of the incorporation of a Salt Spring Island Municipality? YES or NO?


Alternative Approval Process for Bylaws 4119 and 4123, Emergency Response Dispatch Centre Borrowing

Bylaws 4119 and 4123

At the December 14, 2016 meeting of the Board meeting of the Capital Regional District ("CRD"), the following bylaws were adopted:

  • Bylaw No. 4119, “911 Call Answer Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2016”, to authorize the borrowing of $16,000,000 to fund the land purchase and construction of a new Emergency Response Dispatch Centre, including initial installation of furniture, fixtures and equipment; and
  • Bylaw No. 4123, “Emergency Response Telephone Extended Service Establishment Bylaw, No. 1, 1997, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2016”, to amend the 911 emergency response telephone service function to allow for construction of the facility.

The new Emergency Response Dispatch Centre will unify the 911 primary safety answering points and police dispatch for the Region. The cost of borrowing will be funded through the existing 911 call answer levy and lease revenue as appropriate.

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4112, Disposition of Regional Parkland (Irwin Road, Langford)

Bylaw 4112

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposes to adopt Bylaw 4112, “Capital Regional District Disposition of Regional Parkland (Irwin Road) No. 1, 2016”. Bylaw 4112 authorizes the sale or exchange of a .34 ha parcel of regional parkland, more specifically described as part of Lot 1, Section 4, Goldstream, Plan VIP 85581 (PID: 027-620- 913) to the City of Langford

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4042, Disposition of Portion of Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park Reserve

Bylaw 4042

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") Board proposes to adopt Bylaw 4042, “Capital Regional District Disposition of Part of Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park Reserve Bylaw No. 1, 2015”. Bylaw 4042 authorizes the sale or exchange of a 902m2 (0.09 hectare) parcel in the Sooke Hills Regional Park Reserve, more particularly described as that portion of Lot 21, District Lot 8, Block 453 and Block 352, Malahat District, Plan VIP84067. The intention is to exchange this parcel of land for a similarly sized and nearby parcel owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. This parcel will become dedicated road. This exchange is critical to complete the necessary land transactions to ensure that construction of the Sooke Hills Wilderness Trail is completed in 2017.

Assent Vote for SEAPARC Land Purchase Borrowing Bylaw 4052

Official Voting Results

In Favour: 978
Opposed: 209

The referendum passed. Bylaw 4052 will proceed to adoption by the CRD Board at its meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.

The Question

Are you in favour of the proposal by SEAPARC (Sooke Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission) that the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopt Bylaw No. 4052, “Sooke and Electoral Area Recreation and Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2016” authorizing the CRD to borrow an amount up to SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($750,000) for the purpose of purchasing the 23-acre 6518 Throup Road property for the future development and enhancement of recreation services for the residents of Sooke and Juan de Fuca Electoral Area. YES or NO?

Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 4048, Magic Lake Estate Wastewater System Renewal Borrowing

The Capital Regional District ("CRD") proposes to adopt Bylaw No. 4048, "Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2, 2015" to authorize the borrowing of up to One Million Five Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars ($1,530,000) for the purpose of funding the capital renewal and upgrade of the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System.

Elector approval was sought by way of an alternative approval process within the Magic Lake Estates Sewer Service Area, located on North Pender Island, in the Capital Regional District.  The alternative approval process for Bylaw No. 4048 was advertised in local newspapers, information was placed on the CRD website, and a public open house was held on North Pender Island.  As part of this process, the Board determined that 62 electors, representing 10% of the total number of electors (618) in the service area, must submit elector response forms to require the Board to obtain the assent of the electors by way of referendum before proceeding to adopt Bylaw No. 4048.

At the close of the deadline date of March 30, 2016 for receipt of elector responses, it was determined that Twenty Five (25) elector response forms had been received. A copy of the Corporate Officer’s Certification of the results is attached (Appendix A).  As this represents less than the required 10% to obtain the assent of the electors by referendum, approval of the electors by alternative approval process has been obtained, and the Board may proceed to adopt Bylaw No. 4048.


Magic Lake Estates Wastewater Borrowing Referendum

On June 27, 2015, qualified electors of the Magic Lake Estates sewer local service area on Pender Island voted on the following question: Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw 4008, “Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2015” authorizing the Capital Regional District to borrow an amount up to but not to exceed SIX MILLION FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,050,000) for the purpose of administering, planning, designing, acquiring and constructing the capital renewal and upgrade of the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System. YES or NO?

Official Voting Results

Yes: 94
No: 126

As the referendum failed, Bylaw 4008 was not adopted.

Ganges Wastewater Borrowing Referendum

On the July 25, 2016, qualified electors of the Ganges sewerage local service area located on Salt Spring Island voted on the following question: Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw 4007, “Ganges Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2015” authorizing the Capital Regional District to borrow an amount up to but not to exceed THREE MILLION NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,900,000) for the purpose of administering, planning, designing, acquiring and constructing the capital renewal and upgrade of the Ganges Wastewater System. YES or NO?

Official Voting Results

Yes: 102
No: 11

Bylaw 4007 was adopted on August 12, 2015.

Vancouver Island Regional Library Service Establishment and Borrowing Alternative Approval Process

During the month of September 2015, an alternative approval process was held in the service area comprising the municipalities of North Saanich, Sidney and Sooke and a portion of the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area (East Sooke, Jordan River, Otter Point, Shirley and Port Renfrew sub-areas) regarding Bylaw 3914, “Vancouver Island Regional Library District Borrowing Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2014” and Bylaw 3915, “Vancouver Island Regional Library District Borrowing Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2014”. The purpose of Bylaw 3914 is to establish a service to borrow upon the credit of the CRD in order to lend money to the Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) to build a new library in Sooke. The purpose of Bylaw 3915 is to authorize the CRD to borrow up to $6,000,000 on behalf of the VIRL. As only 1 qualified elector submitted a form opposing the bylaws, Bylaws 3914 and 3915 were adopted on October 14, 2015.

Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Borrowing Alternative Approval Process

From April 2 to May 4, 2015, an alternative approval was held in the Juan de Fuca Water Distribution service area comprised of the municipalities of Colwood, Highlands (that part within the RUCSPA set out in Bylaw No. 3820), Langford, Metchosin, Sooke and View Royal and a portion of the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area (East Sooke) regarding Bylaw 3981, "Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Facilities Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1, 2014", to authorize the borrowing of up to $14,800,000 for the purpose of acquiring, designing and constructing water distribution facilities. This was the amount needed to meet the cash requirements necessary over the next five years to fund investments in the water distribution system infrastructure. As only 1 qualified elector submitted a form opposing the bylaw, Bylaw 3981 was adopted on May 13, 2015.